I am ready to face Him

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Tae snapped his face towards me looking distressed. He stuttered
"J-jimin you don't have to go. I am sure mom forward the same message to everyone. You don't have to appear."

"Why?" I queried.

He looks uncertain and I am too. I don't know what I am feeling and thinking.

"I mean why should I not go to the party? I mean if Hobi hyung would have invited me I would have shown up. So what's unusual in Jungkook. He is no special. I will prove that he is no special for me anymore."
He didn't react. I guess he is thinking about my words.

He hugged me close "you decide anything and I will be with you."

"That's why we are platonic soulmates."
I whispered to him.

He spend the night at my house. He took my whole attention and my brain got a rest from Jungkook.

I think I dislike Jungkook as much as I dislike algebra.


The morning was quick to come. Saturday it is. And the party too. Great. Are any more shocks left in my life?
I started to nudge Tae's cheek. I grumbled, "tae tae wakie pakie up". He slapped my hand away. Rude.
But my mind was quick to think of a plan B. No one is smarter than me.

I exclaimed "oh good morning Yoongi hyung. Why are you here?"

And yes! My plan worked. I told you boy no one is smarter than me. Tae was abrupt in sitting up on the bed. Okay, it may be evil. But whatever.
He slapped the back of my head and I was quick to jump on him. I tickled him until he was a crying mess. But then soon we both ended cuddled in bed again. It is always hard to get up from the bed. Especially in winter.

I pinched his side belly and he yelled "what?"

"We have to go to the mall today. To get a gift." I deciphered.

"Why? Its not my birthday."
He sassed. But was soon snuggling closer to me. I think we will fall asleep again.

"We have a welcome party to attend and Jungkook birthday was last month so it makes the point that we get a gift for him."

He hummed but didn't budge. I patted his butt. "Hey hey let's meet after an hour at your doorstep. You will drive us to the mall."

He, at last, decided to move his body. I was thankful to him. I will never use Yoongi hyung as a bait from now on. It's a secret promise made to myself. He dragged himself downstairs. I moaned and finally get up from my cloud. Why don't people make the bed in a cloud shape?

I dragged myself to the washroom and soon I was eating my breakfast with my parents. I sat down on my respected chair and greeted both them. I was welcomed with blinding smiles. But soon my peaceful breakfast was heading to war.

"Are you going to the party?"
Dad implored.

"Yes. Me and Tae are heading to the mall to get a gift just for that." I presented.

"Are you sure baby?" Mom asked.

"Don't worry mom. I am fine. I got this. I will not make a fool of myself this time." I smiled.

"Let the kid live. Breakups and heartbreaks are common. And we should not blame Jungkook without knowing his side. We are free to judge only when we know the whole side."
Dad announced.

I think he is the only one that still allows me with Jungkook.

"I am not saying don't love. But not Jungkook. That kid is a problem. Even he had a reason to leave a little head up would have been better."
She countered.

"Hey! Mom and dad, calm down. I agree with dad, I can't judge him without knowing his full side. But at the same time, I agree with mom that being with jungkook hyung is difficult. But let be honest, which relations don't have a problem? If we are meant to be then the end. And feelings are not so easy for some people, some even stop talking and become mute as they have problem with feelings and words. I know he made a mistake but it didn't make him the worst human on earth" I ranted.

They sighed. This always happens. Dad supports and mom not.

Jungkook lovers VS Jungkook haters

I will not take any step but if we are meant to be then we will end together and I am fine with it. But not in the price of my self-respect.

The mood soon becomes light and we were disturbed by a car honk. Tae.

"I have to go," I told them quickly and ran outside. I make my way inside his car and soon Tae roared thr engine to life. And we are down to the mall. We talked about anything and everything. We soon reached our destination. We both get down.

"What should we get?" I asked.

"Let do some window shopping and buy something that attracts our eye." He suggested. I nodded in his direction.


It was now 7:30 pm and I was all dressed up. I am just surfing on my phone. My phone ringed and it was Yoongi hyung. Wow surprise.

"Hello? Hyung?"

"Hey jimin ah, you are surely coming today, right?"

"Why are you asking me in such a serious tone? Is it related to—"

"Oh no no! I am always on your team chim. I am just making sure you are coming today because I have an announcement to make."

"Don't tell me. You are proposing Tae!!!"
I yelled happily. The first couple in our group to get married. Party time.

"Shut up. Today is not that day. Its for something else. Better come up."

"Okay boss."
I giggled and finished the call.

"Baby are you ready?"
Mom yelled from downstairs. I took the gift and walked downstairs. She smiled after seeing me. We were all dressed in casual dresses but nothing too casual. It was a small welcome party nothing big.

We three walked out of the house. And seated in the car. We reached their house in mere seconds. I was seated in the car even after they both get down.

Am I ready to face him?

I am nervous now and thinking again about my decision. But I think mom was the one to decide as she ordered from outside "let's go minie".

Okay, lets face this. Face him.

Next chapter is in Jungkook pov.
Grab your seatbelts.

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