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Jimin POV

I wake up when there was loud cheering around me. I open my eyes and saw my mom, dad and Tae looking down at me. I sat up and they quickly yelled


I giggled and said a shy thank you. I hug each of them and give a kiss on their cheek.

My mom and dad stated
"sleep son, we will celebrate tomorrow"

I nod and they left me and Tae alone in my room.

After I assure they were downstairs I revealed
"Jungkook has planned a surprise for my birthday"

His jaw dropped and he just stares at me for strong five minutes. He then close his jaw and pinch himself and excitedly whisper
"someone got a boyfriend tomorrow"

I slap him on his shoulder and said
"nothing is going to happen like that. I don't get my hopes up Tae."

He hummed and suggested
"let's wait for tomorrow"

I nod and he wished me one more time and then left for his house. I then lured back to sleep with butterflies in my stomach.


I wake up around eight in the morning. I quickly take a bath and get ready for the day. I then went downstairs and see my dad eating breakfast and mom cleaning the utensils.

When I reach the last step they look like towards me and indicate me to come towards them. I walk to them and they both hug me tightly and said

"happy birthday son. Happy 18th birthday jiminiee"

I give them my eye smile and kiss. They then inform me that the party will start at 6. Then dad leaves for his work and mom give me my breakfast.
When I was finished then there was a knock on the door and I knew who was there.

I run to open the door and see Tae. As soon he saw me he tackle me in a bear hug and chanted
"happy birthday jiminieeeee"

I giggle and we remain to hug for four minutes. He then pulls back and said to me "we are going to the mall chim, go get ready".

I didn't even try to question him because I knew it was a waste. I then take my phone and wallet. I informed my mother, kiss her cheek and then leave the house for the mall.

As we reach the mall, Tae speak
"so if Jungkook is going to be there in the party then we have to buy some good clothes for you chim"

I was going to contradict when he stopped me with a glare. I should tell you he is not to mess around when he is serious. I just nod and followed him around the mall.

He bought many things for him and some things for me too. We have lunch in the mall only. When we reach our home he started
"I am going to get ready and then I will be here to help you to get ready"

I then greeted him goodbye and just went to sleep because I know even though the party i.e. a type of family time only lasts till 9 so that everyone can get sleep for the next day.
But I and Tae always stay at my room watching movies, eating ice cream, doing nonsense and evaluating the gifts.

Everyone knows I don't want something big on my birthday but a simple thing so they never did any expensive thing even though they give me expensive gifts.

I was awake due to a strong shake. And when I open my eyes I see Tae panicking. I yawn and rub my eyes and said in a sleepy voice
"how you can sleep when you crush is going to surprise you on your birthday"

He was panicking like it was so unbelievable. I giggle and stared
"Tae I don't want to get my hopes up that's it. Even though I am showing that I am not nervous but inside I am a mess"

He come and hugged me and said excitedly
"let's get started"

I then look at him properly and saw that he was all already and looking so handsome.

I then stated in awe"Woah Tae, Yoongi hyung is going to droll over you

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I then stated in awe
"Woah Tae, Yoongi hyung is going to droll over you. You look so handsome"

He blushed on my words and push me inside the bathroom to get a bath.
After the bath, he was working his magic on me.

I just hope Jungkook like how I dressed. Because deep inside I knew I was doing my best to look good for him. I want his attention on me and no one else.

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