Start Of The Trip

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Jimin POV

It is a Saturday morning. Me and Tae are waiting for Yoongi hyung and Kai for picking up us and then we all will head to our destination for our small trip. I was teasing Tae about his relation with Yoongi hyung and how they will end up kissing at the end of the trip. It was the car honk that made our chat stop.

We see the car and walked to it. Both of them came outside the car to help us. We keep our bags in the trunk of the car. It was not much, only two small bags just having clothes and some necessities.
I sit in the passanger seat while Kai on the drivers seat. Yoongi hyung and Tae at the back. I wanted to sit at the back too but stop, so that they two can have their time.

I know why Kai was here, Tae told me that he want to date me. I accept that he is handsome and all but i am still complicated with my feelings for Jungkook so I am not interested in anyone for now.

Kai cherred
"lets get going"

And we all shout but it died soon when we saw Jungkook coming outside the house with a small bag on his shoulder. He came towards us and asked in a husky tone
"where you all are heading?"

Tae replied quickly to his question. It was hyung who asked him then
"why are you asking?"

He shrug and said
"I am coming too"

Kai pointed out
"we don't have a seat"

Jungkook give a glare to him and said
"I have a bike so shut up"
He then continued but this time his gaze fell upon me and said in a heavy voice
"beacause I can drive too"

Tae giggle quietly but I didn't understand as why he was saying that while seeing me. No one said anything after that. Kai started the car and we hit the road to reach our destination. I see in the side view mirror that Jungkook was following us on his bike. He was looking ethereal on his bike, his hairs moving backwards but I frown when I notice he was not wearing the helmet. Didn't he want to preserve his life?

The atmosphere in the car was comfortable. Kai sometimes flirt with me but i didn't respond to him so that he can get my message. Tae and hyung was also chatting with us. For a while we also sing some songs. After a half an hour we reach our destination. It was really beautiful. I love nature.

When we get down from the car we all notice Jungkook, he was leaned on his bike and just staring at the tress. When he notice us he walk towards us. Me and Tae walk to the trunk to get our bags. When we both get our bags Yoongi hyung took Tae's bag. He was carrying both, his and tae's bag . I was watching them when Kai whisper in my ear
"do you want me to carry yours too?"

I quick turn around and look at him and said
"I am fine like this"

Jungkook came and stand next to me. I look at him and he was watching me too. I continue to walk after that. Tae and hyung was ahead of us. The hotel was quite far from where we park the car. After a while everyone was ahead of me, I was lacking behind but it was fine because I was enjoying the scenery.

When I turn my head right I saw Jungkook walking with me. I gaze up to look at him in the eyes as he is taller than me but he was just focusing on the front. I didn't notice I was watching him for a while until he spoke
"can you walk fast and just not stare at me"

To speak the truth i was hurt. It was not his words but the way he spoke hurt me. I thought that he came for me so that I was not alone but he was just here so that he can humiliate me.

After that I quickly run after the three and catch up with them. Kai was now walking with me.



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