Playing hard to get

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He was brave.

First time after he came back I feel that those two years was worth it. We needed those two years. But I don't know how life works, no one does. After the dinner end, we left their home and let me add mom and dad was happy if I am not wrong. I think Jungkook impressed them a lot.

Well done my Jungkookie hyung.

Now I was back at home in my bed thinking about his words over and over again. One thing is clear I want him and he wants me too. I love him and he loves me too. But I can't just go and tell him that, I know he suffered in those two years too.

It was hard for him too.

I can't put all the crap on him of what I felt in those two years. You might call me too forgiving but you tell me if you love the person who loves you back and may have suffered the same, blame themselves for all the bad things. You will leave him or her?

I can't.

I need him. And even if God comes and tells me that he is not deserving for me I don't care. I love him and that's all. I stand on my feelings. But! I am not going to be easy. Oh no no, not at all.

He is in for running behind me.

I was snapped to sensibility with a ding sound of my phone.

Unknown :

Jungkook here.

How he got my number? But then I don't think it's hard to get it when my best friend is his brother. Remembering Tae I quickly open our chats.
Jungkook can wait.

Me :

Why you didn't tell me about the living together thing?
I see I am no more important.

I giggled at my message. He will surely reply to this. I may me too evil sometimes.

And yes I got the reply in ten seconds.

Tae Alien👽 :

I am sorry chim.
I didn't mean to. Yoongs told me about this just before the party.
And you know me I dream of living with him.
So I said yes!

Me :

I assumed that.
Better use protection🤭
Don't want small alien so early.
And yoongs? Really?

Tae Alien👽 :

Oh shut up!
Jungkook taints you in one night!!!
Want my chim back!!
And yes yoongs. My meow meow loves the name😘
Oh, Jungkook got your number from my phone.

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