Old Friends

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Jimin POV

After that, me and Jungkook went back to the other two. They were sitting and talking about something. I run to them and yelled
"I am hungry lets go"

Theu jump a little and I started to giggle. When I stop I saw Jungkook looking down at me as he was tall. I asked

He motion his head right and left signaling 'nothing'. I nod and take Tae hand in mine and drag him with me. Hyung and jungkook was following us behind. When we reach the hotel, we make our way to its resturant. I sit beside Jungkook and the two was sitting in front of me. Yoongi hyung went to take our food.

After a while when we were just the three Tse speak
"Jungkook stay away from Jimin, please"

Before Jungkook can react i asked loudly gaining the attention of others

Tse sighed and continued
"Jimin don't trust him so easily"

I was cut before I can speak further.

"he is right Jimin"
Jungkook said in a I don't know painful manner.

I just huff like they can really make me do what they want. Yoongi hyung bring us our food. While eating no one was speaking because of the chat earlier. So Yoongi hyung broke the ice of silence and asked Jungkook
"how are you doing Jungkook?"

"I am fine hyung"

"can I ask a question?"
Yoongi hyung asked with a cautious voice.

"You know you can ask me anything and you don't have to take my permission Yoongi"
Jungkook spoke in adoration.

Hyung nod and asked the question I also want to know
"why you left us?"

"I can't tell you hyung. You know that"

Yoongi hyung said slamming his hand on the table and anger in his eyes. I had never seen him like this. He is generally a silent but a soft person.

He then suddenly stand up and started to come near Jungkook. He then took his arm and drag him outside. I wanted to follow them but was stopped by Tae
"let them be Jimin. They were best friends at a time. It is a very long time that Yoongi can talk to Jungkook like this."

I stop trying to follow them and sit back on my seat. Tae then said
"Jimin what I said earlier —"

"wait Tae, I know you all care for me but I really care about Jungkook. We talked earlier a bit and you will not believe how sweet he was to me. I know I can get hurt but please Tae let me explore this feeling. I can't force myself to crush the feelings that I have for him. Even they are little I still want to explore them."

Tae came and envelop me in a bone cracking hug. He whisper
"just be careful. You know I am always there for you"

I nod while hugging him. After a while we both pull back from our hug and smiling at each other.

Tae then informed me
"me and Yoongi was going to the shops near the town. Would you will join us?"

" I don't think Tae. I want to spend my time with Jungkook"
I said with a smile on my face.

He nod and get back to eating. But I am still worried about hyung and Jungkook. The way they went outside give me a bad feeling.



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