Run Away

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Jimin POV

After we both were in my hotel room I asked Jungkook to sit on the bed and wait for me. After thats I quickly went to search for the first aid box. Generally in hotels they keep those things in the bathroom or drawers. I search them and fortunately find it quickly within some minutes.

After I found it, I take the first aid box to the bed where Jungkook was sitting. I informed him
"it will hurt a little"

He didn't reply and neither he nod or shrug. I then started to treat his wounds. The entire time he was just looking in my eyes while I was treating his wounded lips. He has a deep cut on his lips and a bruise on his jaw but other than that he was fine. After treating I close the first aid box but didn't stand up. I sat there with him in pure silence. It was like my heart was telling me to sit with him and not to go anywhere.

He started to speak first
"how come when I get hurt you are always there to treat my wounds?"

I giggle at his words and reply a cheesy line
"I think I am your guardian angle"

He smile at me but didn't broke the eye contact. I then said with a cautious tone
"you know Jungkook, you should talk to your family and friends"

He remain silent so i thought of continuing
"they really care for you. They all want the best for you. I know you also love them and —"

He cut me before I can speak more and said in a cold tone
"you don't know anything"

He then continue by breaking the eye contact
"what do you even know Jimin? Let me guess, you think that talking to me for a while give you access to enter in my life. You are also like the others"

Every word he speak were like daggers to my heart. I didn't know tears were flowing from my eyes. I then stuttered in a small voice
"J-Jungkook I am... Sorry"

"oh just shut up you shit. Why you always push yourself in others life."

He didn't stop throwing hurtful words at me and I hate how he was speaking. Some minutes ago we were fine and after a minute he is yelling at me and saying shit.

I thought he will leave the room now but I was wrong. He was standing in my room with a mad expression. And to be honest it was really scary.

"i-I Ca-can't tak-take it"
And with broken words and voice I run outside the room not caring where I was going.



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