First Date And Kiss

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Jimin POV

I wake up on the early morning to find out that I was tangled up Jungkook. I wanted to go so that I can go back home to get ready for my school but even my slight movement result in tightening of Jungkook hold on me.

I whispered in his ear
"Jungkook let me go"

He shook his head left and right.

"please... I have to go to school today"
I noted but still he shook his head

After the minutes he wake up and the first thing he said was
"will you go on a date with me?"

I asked confused and flustered.

"would you like to go on a date with me today?"
He asked me with his husky voice.

I want to purr but I managed to say a small "yes"

We then get ready and he walk me to my home and said that he will come to pick me up after an hour.

I enter my house and yelled

"what happened my baby?"
She asked running towards me with a carrot in her hand.

"Jungkook asked me on a date"
I said happily can't controling my emotions.

She asked me with a confused and angry expression and said
"and that was why you were screaming?"

I giggle and nod and asked
"so can I go with him?"

"you can baby but don't absent school often. Okay?"

"yes mom. I love you"
I said loudly and run towards my room.

The one hour was so energetic and nervous for me. I mean its my FIRST DATE in my life how can you not be excited?

Tae didn't came as usual to my house to go to school so I think that Jungkook must have informed him but still i thought to message him.

Tae I can't go to school with you. I have to go on a date with Jungkook. Sorry tae, I will surely make it up to you. 😘✌️

You better make it up to me chim. Jungkook told me that you were not going to school today but didn't tell me the reason. He such a jerk.

Jimin :
Hey! Don't talk like that about him.

Someone is defending someone???
Lets meet later jimin.

I didn't reply him because my moon yelled
"baby, Jungkook is here"

I quickly take my phone and wallet in my jeans pocket and run downstairs in full speed. When I reach downstairs Jungkook chuckled and came towards me and said
"why are you running pumpkin?"

"how can't I it's my first date"
That slipped from my mouth before I can stop myself.

He hugged me and informed my mom about the time he will get me back home but I was just so focused on his face and outfit that I didn't hear anything of it. Not a single thing.

He escorted us outside my home and lead me towards his bike

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He escorted us outside my home and lead me towards his bike. I then slap myself for daydreaming and start to focused. I then asked
"we are going on your bike?"

"yeah. Are you afraid of bikes?"
He asked me with a smirk on his face.

"n-no. Not at all."
I stuttered and he laughed loudly.

"don't worry cutie I will not allow something to happen to you"
He said with so much emotions that I wan to kiss him.

He sat on his bike and said hesitantly
"uhmm... I brought some flowers for you. Hope you like it. I don't know which flowers you like."


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He gave me the flowers and I quickly hugged him tightly and said

"I love it and I love you"

He pulled back from the hug and smiled so big that I thought he was the most handsome man in the world.
After some mistakes and nervousness I ride on his bike. He then informed
"it is only 8 in the morning so I am going to bring you to a park"

We ride to the park and the morning breeze was so good that I just wanted the time to be freezed. He then bring me to a park which was empty not a single human was there.

I asked playfully
"are you kidnapping me?"

"do you want me to?"
He asked playfully.

"that depends what will you do after you kidnap me"

He groaned and answered
"oh don't get me started. I will ravish you jimin. I will make you scream in pleasure and make sure that you can't walk for a weak. And after that I will rain with hugs, kisses and all care in this world"

His words make me stop in the track as soon as he realized that I was not walking with him, he turned around and walk towards me and said
"what happened baby?"

"did you mean what you said?"

"yes I mean every single work I spoke"
He answer with no hint of lie.

I didn't answer said anything but jumped on him and kissed him with all the emotions that I have been feeling for him from all this time. It was my first kiss and I know I was not good at kissing like him but the kiss should not be pererct but a kiss should be something that connect two souls and make them close to each other more.

We kissed for a moment and after the kiss he said
"that was quite a surprise."

I blushed at his words and just tried to hide my face in his chest while he was laughing and cooeing at my cuteness.

I blushed at his words and just tried to hide my face in his chest while he was laughing and cooeing at my cuteness

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