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Jimin POV

When I was ready I went downstairs and saw mine and Tae's family sitting on the couch in the living room. I went to them and they all greeted me happy birthday and all. I then ask Tae
"where is Yoongi hyung?"

Actually I was curious where was Jungkook and if he was coming then he should with Yoongi hyung, I assumed. He gave me a knowing look and replied
"he is coming in one minute"

I nod and busy myself in looking around the room. They actually done a lot and it was really beautiful.

There were balloons on the wall and floor. On the one side of the wall there was writer 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIMIN'.
there were also flowers with the balloons.

While I was busy looking around, I didn't saw Jungkook and many others entering the room. When there was a pure silent suddenly, I spun around and saw the most handsome man on this planet.

 When there was a pure silent suddenly, I spun around and saw the most handsome man on this planet

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I was so lost in his handsome face that it was Tae voice that broke the silence. He jump on Yoongi hyung and kiss him on the lips. All were cooing on them. But I can't help to stare at Jungkook but then he avert his gaze and look his eyes with me.

We lost in each other eyes. It was broken when a board shoulder man came running towards me and pinch my cheeks and said
"awee you are the cutest thing on this planet I swear"

I blush by his comment and said back
"you are handsome too"

He quickly hug me and start to make a conversation with me.
"I am Kim Soekjin. Call my Jin hyung"

Then a smiley person pop up in front of me and introduced
"I am Jung Hoseok"

"i am Kim Namjoon"
He has dimples and look mature and confident.

I greeted them with a smile and they all look at me lovingly. They then wish me for my birthday.

After that Mrs. Kim went to have a chat with them. She looked quite surprised to see them here.

Tae then came to me beacuse Yoongi hyung was also chatting with Mrs. Kim and the rest others. After chatting, Tae went to drink something
During that time, my eyes went to Jungkook and suddenly my heart stop beacuse his eyes were on me and beacuse of his expression too.

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I blush and quickly went to my mom. She then declared
"lets cut the cake"

Everyone nod beacuse it was now seven and everyone has to go back home for the next day.

My mom then bring the cake and I was in awe by his beauty. I don't want to cut it actually. I then blown the candles and everyone sing the birthday song.

 I then blown the candles and everyone sing the birthday song

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I then feed the cake to my mom, dad and Tae. Then it was for giving the gifts.

First was my mom and dad and they gift me a photo album that contain all my pictures till now. I literally shed tears when I saw it. It bring back all my childhood memories. They also gift me a new phone that I want to buy from a long time.

Then Tae's parents gift me a watch and it was quite expensive. Anyone can tell after having a look of it.
Tae and Yoongi hyung gift me a gucci sweater.

I was surprised when Hoseok hyung, jin hyung and Namjoon hyung handed me a gift. They gifted me a pair of shoes.

Now Jungkook was standing infront of me and Suprisingly he was not having a box like everyone have. I was now thinking what was his gift. All eyes were on him.

He then started to speak the first time after the trip. He started

"Happy birthday Jimin. God created an angel today in the form of you. Having you around is a great fortune. I wish you every drop of happiness to you. Be happy chim chim"

"thank you Jungkook"
I said truthfully. I know he is not good with words and saying these sweet words was truly a gift in itself.

He just shook his head after my thank you and then suddenly he was on one knee infront of me. Everyone around the room gasp by his action but he remain unaffected and maintain the eye contact with me and started again

"I want you Park Jimin. I want you even when you are mad and irrated by me. I want to be the reason of your smile. I want to be the reason for your laughter eyerday and even when you are sad I want to be the only one to make you smile. I wanna kiss you and hold you in my arms. I want to talk to you all night. I want to protect you from everything. I want to know you more to fall more for you every single moment. I wanna love you Jimin. "

He take a breath and said
"I love you Park Jimin. Can you be my boyfriend?"

At that time the time freeze just me and him. I jump upon him and yelled

he kissed my on my forhead and handed me a necklace and promised
"I wills always love you Jimin"

he kissed my on my forhead and handed me a necklace and promised"I wills always love you Jimin"

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