Meeting Old Friends

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Jungkook POV

After I leave Jimin on the trip I have not seen him not even chat with him. I am really frustrated now. If I am not messaging him that doesn't mean he can't.

After knowing that Jimin birthday is this Wednesday, there was a giddy feeling inside me. When I see him today morning in my house I just want to hug him and if I speak truthfully I want to kiss his cute cheeks too.

How can't I think about his cheeks. The best part are his cheeks they are so round and eatable.. His eyes have the galaxy in it... His giggle.. Soft hands...height..


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I have to talk to someone about this feeling and I know whom to approach for this matter.

Jimin is making me do things that I never dreamt of.

I quickly walk to my bike and quickly start it to go to the only person whom I know will never back stabb me.

In ten minutes I was infront of a small cafe where I was used to hang out with them. I enter the cafe and quickly identify their voiced and laughter. I make my way to them. At first they didn't notice me but after three minutes Yoongi gaze towards me and freeze. Seeing that others also turn to gaze which attract Yoongi attention and they also freeze to see me.

It was Jin hyung who stand up and said like he was dreaming

I just nod and went to sit on the empty chair around the table. No one was saying anything so I assumed that I have to say something first. So I satrted

"I apologize jin hyung, namjoon, hoseok and Yoongi"

They were dead silent and hoseok said
"you mean to say sorry?"

I nod not saying the word 'sorry'. Its just I don't like saying that word.

Jin hyung questioned
"why are you here?"

I look him into his eyes and then answered
"I was wrong in the past. I know you all tried to stop me but I didn't listen to you. In short I want to make thing up again"

After I said that I feel like a stone was push away from my heart.

Namjoon hyung started
"kook you know its not at easy. It had been a long time but if you agree to give us time then I guess it can work"

They all nod. And Jin hyung came towards me and hug me tightly and started to cry and mumble
"we miss you pabo. We all really do"

I whisper
"me too"

Then slowly all come and hug me together. The group hug remind me of the old times and I can't control the single tear that fell from my ear.

We all pull back from the hug. I quickly excused myself from them and run outside.

When I was outside I quickly take out a cigarette and a lighter and started to smoke

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When I was outside I quickly take out a cigarette and a lighter and started to smoke. After three minutes Yoongi came and said
"you still smoke?"

I then turn and see all four of them standing there and seeing me. I then take the cigarette out from my mouth and after releasing the smoke I said
"yes I do and sometimes drink too"

Jin hyung sighed because he was the person in the group which is the most against smoking and drinking.

Hoseok then asked
"you take drugs too?"

"only one time and never again"
I answered honestly. It was the only time when I started to deal drugs I tried it and after that I didn't deal drugs anymore.

They all nod at my answer.

It was Yoongi who said to break the awkward silence
"I asuume you are here for a reason Jungkook. What is that?"

I chuckle and others smile. They all know me better than myself.

I then said truthfully
"I am and you know for what"

Yoongi has a amused expression on his face and said

Hearing his name automatically made me smile. They all looked at me amused. I then drop the cigarette on the ground and stomp on it.

I then concluded
"let's talk inside"

They all nod and we all went inside our old hangout place.


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