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Jimin POV

Me, Tae, Mr. And Mrs. Kim were sitting in the dining room. We were about to start our dinner when Tae spoke quickly
"Yoongi is coming on dinner"

There was dead silence around the table. Mrs. Kim questioned
"your boyfriend?"

"not yet. You know him mom and dad"
He said in a quiet voice.

Both of them nod but Mr. Kim remarked
"yes we know him as Jungkook friend during high school but not as your boyfriend"

There was a knock and everyone on the table seems to know who was that. Tae quickly blurted out
"he is here"
He then went to open the door.

After a minute Yoongi hyung and Tae both were in the dinning room. He bowed and greeted both Mr. And Mrs. Kim. It was a peaceful dinner with some questions and chatting.

When everyone was enjoying the dessert Yoongi hyung speak
"Mr. And Mrs. Kim I want to take Taehyung with me on a trip the next weekend. I want to have your permission."

"please mom and dad"
Tae also pleaded.

They both agreed with some conditions just warning them not to have sex. Which made the air awkward as hell. After the dinner Yoongi hyung was leaving but asked me
"Jimin you can join too. I am sure Taehyung will be happy and you are a little brother to me so I don't have a problem too. What do you say?"

Tae was also giving me puppy eyes and Mrs. Kim too. I sigh and accepted the offer.

Then Tae went to see off Yoongi hyung till the door. I am sure they are kissing each other goodbye kisses. Even though they are using the time to know each other i am sure they will be dating in some time soon. Yoongi hyung take care of Tae like he is a baby and I loved that too. To be pampered.

When we four were chatting while sitting on the couch. The front door open and closed with a bang. There come Jungkook but he was not alone, he was with the same girl that was with him a week ago. I think they are dating. Yup that make sense. Tae comforted me with keeping a hand on my shoulder. I just nod towards him.

When Jungkook was going towards his room. He placed a hand on her waist and pull her really close. Then he yelled loudly
"don't disturb me"

Tae take my hand and force me to go upstairs. I didn't say good night to both of them. I was in a haze.

Tae made me sit on the bed and hug me for like half and hour. We both remain silent enjoying the silence. Then i said finally

"let's move on"


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