This is our love story

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After one hour Jungkook was awake. I just sat beside him all the time while he was taking a nap. I watched the starting episodes of the kdrama 'Healer'.

He started to run his nose on my thighs and a shiver of pleasure ran down my spine. I shifted a little distant but he keeps following me and soon I was on the edge of the bed. I slapped his shoulder and he stopped. Good.

I shake his shoulder and whispered near his ear "kookie hyung wake up".

But that dirty boy keeps a hand around my waist and pull me close. I ended laying on his stomach. He then opened my eyes and gave me a cheeky smile. This boy is impossible.

"You stayed", he stated.

I smiled "of course I would stay. I am not gonna leave you from now on even you push me away."

"So it means— I mean how...w-what are we?"

"Let's start dating first and slowly we will climb the steps" I offered.

He smirked, "so I have to propose you again in future?"

I giggled "yes because I am surely not doing it. I will give you a chance to make up for your mistakes in this way."

"Thank you my majesty. So dating people kiss right?" if it was possible his smirk grew even more.

"You are impossible" I mused.

I pat his chest and he laughed wholeheartedly at my remark. I laughed with him. I tried to get down from his body but he put a hand on my waist stopping me. I looked at him confused "we have to—"

"Thank you for staying. I can never worship you enough jimin. I will regret my past decisions all my life. But I am making an effort to become my best version for you. I will have to continue my medication for four to five months but I don't have to take them after that. Thanks for loving me."

"Thanks for trying Jungkook. If you wanted you could have moved on too but you didn't and even made efforts to win me back. Thanks for loving me back Jungkook" I recounted.

He started to sit up on the bed and that ended me sitting on his lap. Great. And let me tell you something was poking me under me. I looked at him amused and he smirked "sorry can't control when you are around me".

I flushed a hundred shades of red.

I jump down from his lap and stand in front of him. I proposed my hand to him and said "I am hungry so let's go to the kitchen".

"Oh believe me I am hungry too" he announced and slapped my ass and whispered "but for you"

He is so suggestive.

And the worst part is that I don't hate it. I slapped him on his chest playfully and turned around to walk out of the room. He laughed but was soon to follow me to the kitchen.

When we reached the kitchen the main door opened and soon we heard Mrs Kim voice "I am home".

"Oh Jimin you are here?" she looked between me and Jungkook. She looked afraid for a second honestly. But soon her features relaxed when Jungkook pulled me close by pulling me by the waist.

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