A New Start

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Jimin POV

I woke up in the morning all cuddled up with Tae. I then untangle myself from from him and walk to the bathroom.

It is one of the working days of the week but me and Tae are not going school today. I quickly take a bath and get ready for the day. When I went back to my room Tae was already awake. I then informed him
"get ready for the breakfast"

He just nod and went back to sleep. I giggle at his action and let him sleep beacuse he was not able to sleep as he was comforting me.

I think the whole night and came to the conclusion that it is just a waste to cry upon things that had already happen. I am sure that I am not walking out of this relationship then I have only option and that is to work out the relation. And that's what I am planning to do.

I walk downstairs and just see my mother watching a drama on the television. My father must have gone to his job by judging the time.

My mom saw me and greeted
"good morning baby"

"Good morning mom"

"do you want breakfast?"
She asked in her sweet voice.

I smiled and replied
"lets just wait for Tae"

She nod and went back to watch her drama. I sit on the chair and take out my phone to pass the time. But as I take out the phone, I received a message and it was quite Suprising beacuse of the sender

Jungkook :
Good morning Jimin.

I didn't reply to his messages and open my Insta but was soon disturbed by more messages.

Jungkook :
Baby please don't ignore me.
Jin hyung and others told me how much of a dick I was yesterday night.
I am sorry.

Jimin :
You can't make the same mistake every time and just apologize.
I am still mad at you.

Jungkook :
I am still new to this relationship thing. I am trying my best. Can't you see?

Jimin :
Oh! You mean I am not. If it is then who left me yesterday night?

Jungkook :
I said sorry. What do you want more.

Jimin :
If you just know I only want your attention and love.

I was fuming with anger how he can blame me for not trying. I am also trying and it is my first relation too. I just decided to spend my day ignoring him.

My phone again vibrated notifying of new messages but before I can see it Tae came to the dining table.

"I am hungry"
He whined.

My mom was quick to serve ghe breakfast to us. Tae thanked her and shower her with compliments. She really loved her cooking.

I thought of spending my day with him so that I can't think about Jungkook. So I asked
"Tae lets hangout today"

He quickly had a apologetic face and informed me
"sorry chim. I have a date with Yoongi hyung today"

I smile back at him and assured him
"it's fine Tae. Please enjoy your day"

He still had that face so I just grab his hand and squeeze it a little. He smile at me and nod.

He happily ate his breakfast and bid us goodbye to go back home. I then went back to my room and busied myself with my phone.
But it was not that easy.

Jungkook :
I am sorry Jimin. It was not what I mean and you also know that.

Jimin :
Don't message.

Jungkook :
Jimin are you a bank loan? 🤔

Jimin :

Jungkook :
Cause you got my interest 😉

Jimin :
Shut up and go where you want.

Jungkook :
Are you a trash?

Jimin :
You are so mean ☹️

Jungkook :
Cause i waana take you out ❤️
I am sorry baby.

Jimin :

Jungkook :
I am serious by the way.
I am at my way to your home.

After I read his mesagge I quickly went to change my clothes. I know he is not joking. And I don't want to see him with a pajama on.

I think this time we can talk and have a new start.....


Jimin while chatting with Jungkook

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