Treating Wounds

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Jimin POV

It is Sunday today. It means I have a day off. I usually spend my weekends with Tae but some past few days we can't hang out because of his brother. But I have decided to surprise him today by visiting him at his home.

I know he is not allowing me to go his home because he thinks if I again meet his brother he will say something and I will be hurt. But it can't be like to think for a long time. Even though I was hurt by Jungkook words but it was not the fault of Tae. So I have decided to visit him.

I quickly take a bath and decided to wear some casual clothes because it is Tae, and I know he will never judge me even if a wear a skirt. I quickly ate my breakfast with mom and dad. We chat and laugh on some topic. I suddenly choke on my food when my mother ask
"Jimin ah when you will have a boyfriend?"

I take a few minutes and gulp a whole glass of water and answered
"Mom I also don't know"

"fine but you have to tell me when you have someone special in your life. You can't hide it Jimin ah"

I giggle and just nod.

After that, we eat peacefully without chocking. I then inform both of them
"dad and mom I am going to Tae house"

"okay just take care. And we are also heading for a movie date"
Dad resorted with a wink to my mother.

I am happy that they still love each other and I also want a love like them. I then finished the breakfast and quickly take my phone and wallet and head towards Tae home.

After ten minutes of walking, I am standing in front of Tae house. I walk to his door and ring the bell. After a minute someone opened the door and I was surprised to see Jungkook. I was going to ask about Tae but he suddenly disappears inside the house. So, I quickly take off my shoes and place them neatly.

I enter the room and see Jungkook there, sitting on the couch and scrolling through his phone. I search for Tae but frowned when I didn't see him. So with some bravery, I asked Jungkook without stuttering
"where is Tae?"

He didn't raise his head and replied
"he is out"

"Why didn't you tell me earlier while opening the door? "

He just shrugs on my remark. I awkwardly stand there for some minutes and then decided to head back home.

I then informed him
"I am going back then. Tell tae I was —never mind"

That words resulted in him to raise his head and I gasp at what I see. I get to notice his face. He has a cut on his lip and a cut beside his eyebrow. His knuckles were also bleeding. I quickly make my way towards him and grab his wrist and try to take him to the washroom. Note the word 'tried'.

He push me aside and ask in an annoying tone
"what are you doing? "

"you have to treat the wounds or it will get infected." At that moment I didn't know why I was doing it, he never did something good for me but there was something inside me that wanted to help him.

He didn't respond to my words so I pleaded him "please".

He then started walking past me and was heading towards the washroom. I quickly followed him. I quickly take a clean cloth and rinse it with water and started to clean his knuckles.

please bow down so I can wash those cuts on your face"

He quietly followed my instruction. Surprising. I thought.
We were too close. I can feel his breath on my face. I was wiping his cut on the eyebrow and was fully aware of the stare he was giving me. But I didn't establish eye contact with him a single time. After, all the blood was washed I command
"go back and sit on the couch. I will bring the first aid box"

He again listened to my words and I was in heaven thinking that he obeyed my words even though he can just ignore me. I quickly get back to him and sit beside him on the sofa.

I put some antiseptic cream on the cuts and started to bandage it when he started to speak
"are you and Tae boyfriends?"

"why you think so?"

"you both are like with each other 24/7. It's disgusting—"

"oh, you see it as disgusting. Sorry then "

We didn't speak after that. When I was thinking that maybe he was not so bad he again did something to remind me why I don't like him in the first place.

After I was done with his wounds I close the box and place it on the table beside the couch. I then stand up and said
"take care from now on"

I was going to pass him when he grab my wrist from behind while sitting on the sofa and explained
"it's not like. I am....."

"Just forget it jungkook"
And with saying that words I free my wrist from his hold and walk to the door and then outside his home.

If he only knew how much jungkook regret after speaking those words.



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