Where is my old Jimin?

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After my secret commitment, everyone made themselves busy. But my eyes proceed after Jimin. He looks stunning. I sighed heavily. My fears are appearing again.

I didn't realise that my hands were trembling until Jin hyung tutor me to another room. They make me sit on the dining table chair isolated from others. Someone handed me a cup of water and I gulp it down in the whole sip. My nerves cool down a bit.

"Did you take your medications?"
I don't know who said that but I guess it was Namjoon. But I was in no condition to answer.

After ten minutes of silence. I nodded slowly and whispered, "I am fine guys."

Their expression doesn't change a bit. But their expression was clouded with worry. I feel bad. It's all my fault. No! No! This is not the end. I can still change my image. Make them believe that I have changed.

"I am really fine guys," I said confidently this time.

Jin hung then lectured "why didn't you inform us that your condition was this bad? We all wish for your happiness even Jiminie."

"Don't worry I am fine now. Sometimes I can't control my emotions but it happens rarely. And I still have to take my medications till the next four months. So I will be better after that. Don't worry." I assured and thankfully they look convinced.

"But why you suddenly got an attack?"
Namjoon questioned. As expected from the smart ass.

"I am afraid to face Jimin."
I whimpered and soon a lone tear followed.

"But didn't you face him yesterday?"
Jin hung asked.

"Yesterday I didn't know he would be there. I was more surprised than anything but today I knew he will be here." I sighed.

I started to stand up and both of them were quick to drawback. I smiled at them. A genuine one.

"I know I have fucked up but I will not go without trying" I proclaimed.

They smiled back at me in agreement. I feel relieved and light knowing someone in this room don't hate me and will support me. I quickly make my way to the living room where everyone was there. And quickly spot Jimin with Tae talking. Some things never change.

I walked to them chanting 'now or never' in my mind. And soon was standing in front of Jimin. My baby mochi.

"Can I take your hand?"
I begged hesitantly.

He answered. And soon everyone attention was on us, even tho they are trying to be secretive but they are failing with flying colours. But he didn't reject me that's a start. Way to go Jungkook!

"I just want to hold it" I proposed truthfully. I crave to hold him. I crave to have a single touch of him. I want to touch him again. To feel his body heat.

"I don't want to" he snapped.

Jimin has become more confident and sassy too I add. But it makes him more appealing. He is still my same Park Jimin. I nodded at him with a small smile.

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