Tall, Blond, and Handsome

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Headcannon: as a training cadet, erwin was very popular and everybody wanted to date him 


After that mess called dinner, the cadets retreated to their rooms for the night. Before leaving the mess hall, however, Isanna had shot Baldrick one last glare accompanied by a verbal threat about bothering Erwin. It was safe to say that he wasn't going to lay a hand on the blond any time soon. 

Isanna had just finished washing up and changed into her sleep wear which just consisted of a loose shirt and pajamas. She was currently sitting on her bed, her damp hair hanging below her shoulders as some water dripped down onto the mattress. 

"Thank the walls of Maria you didn't snap that guy's neck," Adalaide said as she leaned against the side of Isanna's bed, the back of her head laying atop the soft fabric. "you would've been in trouble."

Isanna scoffed, thinking back to what had happened earlier. "If Erwin didn't stop me, I would've done that already."

Chiara was laying on the next bed on her stomach, shaking her head at her friend. "We should be snapping titan necks, not human necks."

"I don't care," Isanna retorted, "I'll break into two whoever lays a hand on Erwin. Be it titans or humans."

Chiara and Adalaide exchanged looks, fully aware of the overprotective instincts the girl had for her childhood best friend. While Isanna never got into the details of how they had become friends, both girls managed to make a guess. Bottom point was, Isanna cared for Erwin deeply. Deeper than the trenches of Mariana.

"Moving on," Adalaide changed the topic. "you were really cool back then. That Bald Show-off got what he deserved."

Chiara's lips twitched. "Bald Show-off?"

"Yeah? Isn't that his name?"

The brunette lifted a fist and bonked Adalaide in the head. "It's Baldie Lowblow, stupid!"

"Idiots!" Isanna interjected, astounded at how dumb her friends were. "That's not even close. It's Baldrick Lovof!"

Adalaide and Chiara looked at Isanna, who was the only one who had a decent number of braincells among the three of them. "Oh," they answered simultaneously, hitting their open palms with their fists in realization. 

Pinching the bridge of her nose, Isanna closed her eyes and tried to shoo the headache away. She was getting worried should their stupidity influence her in the near future. Considering the line of work she had in mind, she really hoped not. Stupidity would just get her killed. 

"Sorry for being stupid, miss smarty pants," Adalaide playfully rolled her eyes. "we know we're not as bright as your blond boyfriend."

Isanna exhaled an exasperated sigh. Here they go again, mentioning Erwin's name out of the blue and associating it with her in a romantic context. "For the nth time, Erwin's not my boyfriend. He's family!" 

"Who mentioned Erwin?" Chiara raised a brow, trying hard not to grin. "all Ada said was your blond boyfriend." 

Realizing her screw-up, a red hue crept onto Isanna's cheeks. "Duh. Who else would you guys be talking about?"

"What do you mean? Mike's also blond."

Knowing that there was no way out of this, Isanna glared at her two (annoying) friends. The little shits. "You guys are messing with me."

Adalaide chuckled. "Now, now, don't get your panties in a twist. We're just warning you ahead of time."

"For what?" Isanna grumbled, her patience getting thinner at their constant teasing. If they weren't her friends, she would've already chucked them out of the window. 

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