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"What kind of crap is that?! The Military Police?!"

Adrian's accusing yell rebounded against the walls of their cabin room in the night. Their farewell party had just ended, and the freshly-graduated cadets had just retreated back to their dorms after the feast. But the sudden revelation from Nile had thrown his friends, with the exception of Erwin, into a state of confusion. Adrian's outburst had caught the attention of the rest of their roommates, all eyes now fixated on Nile. 

Despite his fit, Nile was trying to keep his cool as he regarded his friend with a frown. "Yes."

"What the hell, Nile?" Adrian demanded, still in disbelief. "What about all those years of training we spent? Hiding behind the interior won't do your skills any justice! The four of us - didn't we all plan on joining the Scouts together?"

Biting his lip, Nile avoided his gaze, his frown deepening as he clenched his fists by his side. "You don't understand anything," he muttered, before bringing his determined look back at Adrian. "People change. I'm not like the rest of you who are all eager to die. Don't you get it, Adrian? Joining the Scouts is tantamount to suicide!" 

He continued, his voice turning stern and leaving no other rooms for argument. "I.. want to live with Marie. Nothing is going to change that. Nothing.. could be more important to me than her."

Adrian's jaw visibly clenched in frustration at Nile's defense. With resigning, frustrated eyes he turned to Erwin, who was simply sitting on the side of his bed wearing a neutral expression. "Erwin, did you hear his bullshit? Talk some sense into him, for crying out loud!" 

The blond shot an indifferent look at Nile, who returned his expression with a frown of his own, both men not saying a word for a short while.

"It's his choice, Adrian."

"Erwin!" Adrian groaned. "You're not helping!"

"Persuading a person to join a risky organization like the Scouts is futile," Erwin went on to explain, his face and voice as calm as ever, as if the current squabble between Adrian and Nile did not exist. "It's not something you can force someone to do."

At his explanation, Adrian clamped his mouth shut, letting his arms fall back to his side. He couldn't believe it. Nile was turning his back on them for a woman. But then again, something in the back of his mind was telling him to give up on trying to convince Nile to join together with them. The guy just wanted to live comfortably, that's all. Who was Adrian to tell him his choice was wrong? 

Adrian didn't like the thought of them separated from each other. Not after all those years. 

"With that in mind," Erwin's voice cut his thoughts. "I hope you won't regret your decision."

Nile's eye twitched at the blond, his face tense. "I won't. Good luck with the Scouts."

The man then briskly turned around and stomped towards his bed, the rest of the guys making way for him to pass through. 

Adrian moved his gaze between his two friends, his fists clenching tightly with the suffocating tension that was now clouding the room. Ignoring the awkward stares from the other guys, Adrian glanced over towards Mike, who was leaning against the wall beside the window with his arms crossed. He was silent all this time (he always was), but he knew the blond was also perturbed at Nile's sudden change of heart. 

With a loud, defeated sigh, Adrian stalked over towards his bed, making sure to avoid even looking at Nile's face without getting the urge to pummel him. 

This wasn't how he wanted for their last night as training cadets to end. 

Morning soon came and news of Nile's decision to join the Military Police Brigade reached Adalaide and Chiara's ears.

"I'm going to slap some sense into him," Adalaide grumbled, rolling her sleeves as she made her way towards Nile, who was eating his last breakfast in the cadet's mess hall on a table. "Oi! You flat-assed bastard - !"

"Adalaide, drop it," Isanna firmly called out without looking at her, stopping the redhead in her tracks. "let the guy do what he wants."

"Unbelievable," Chiara remarked with a frowning look. "whatever happened to bros before hoes?"

Isanna sighed and put down her spoon. Can't a girl eat her breakfast in peace? She understood where her friends were coming from, but at the end of the day, they couldn't do anything. It was Nile's decision, and his call to make. She shot a glance at the said man, who was also munching on his breakfast. The only thing was, he wasn't on Erwin's table. For some reason, he was sitting on a different one, with different people. 

That was a first. Isanna looked at where Erwin, Adrian and Mike were at; there was a fourth unoccupied seat on their table - where Nile usually sat. After piecing the information together, she deduced they probably had an argument after knowing Nile's decision.

What are they, elementary kids? Isanna couldn't help but inwardly scoff at how petty they were, ignoring each other. 

Adalaide had stomped back to their table, roughly pulling the back of the chair so that it'd make a loud scratching noise across the floorboard and causing some heads to turn at them. Isanna didn't need to ask to know that she did it on purpose.

With a huff, the redhead crossed her arms. "Well, it's probably for the best," she then added in a loud voice, with more volume than necessary. "after all, the Survey Corps is only for the brave soldiers who have fat asses! They don't accept soldiers with flat ones!" 

Isanna looked at her friend with a straight face, before shaking her head at her outburst. Honestly, even she had a hard time believing that one of their friends had decided to switch his decision so suddenly. It was only thanks to Erwin's words last night did she decide to give it a rest. 

It was time to accept the fact that they were going their separate ways. 

The commander of the Survey Corps was a lean man with neat dark hair and commanding, tall height who went by the name Keith Shadis. He had a stern and proud face, adding to his strict impression as he addressed the fresh graduates whilst standing on a small stage. 

"That will be all," he finished with an unwavering gaze at them. "those who have decided on joining the Scout Regiment, you may remain. The rest are dismissed."

Isanna remained in her formal saluting position, as did Erwin who was standing by her side, in the same pose. Adrian, Mike, Adalaide and Chiara also had their focused gazes glued ahead, firm resolution shooting through their eyes and undeterred as countless cadets walked past them, thinning out the platoon formation. With unblinking eyes, Isanna paid no attention to Nile, who strode past her with a frown and one last glance at her, before disappearing into the back along with many of the graduates.

There were only a handful of cadets left in front of the commander. 

This was no time to be wavering, Isanna told herself. They were finally one step closer outside the walls. Although one of their friends had turned their back on joining the Survey Corps, she couldn't afford to look back. Not now that they've reached this far. 

"Very well. I welcome you all to the Survey Corps," Isanna watched as the commander saluted at them respectfully. 

From here on out, it was just the six of them. 

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