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Levi cursed their situation.

He cursed the titans that were threatening humanity, robbing them of the freedom they so desperately sought, he cursed that blasted ape for pitching rocks at them like it was playing a mere game, but most of all—he cursed the world for dooming them to this godforsaken fate.


He tightened his jaw and balled his fists by his side, watching Erwin and Isanna come to a decision as they addressed the recruits.


Erwin began explaining their counterattack—their final one—but his words just passed through Levi's ears from one to the other.

Not too far from the crowd, he was standing beside Isanna who was leaning against a tilted wall of the ruins of a house. Her leg was beyond help and she was limping—not that it even mattered at this point.

He thought back to his conversation with Erwin, the day before they left Wall Rose.

This was not supposed to happen.

You were supposed to—

He cut his own thoughts, clicking his tongue. A string of mental curses rolled into his brain, because that was all he could do; just watch from the sidelines as hell consumed them all.


He turned to the voice, towards Isanna who was looking at the direction of the recruits. And to think those brats were still children, all with long lives ahead of them.


He caught sight of the slightest hint of a bitter smile on her.

"If you see Hanji.. tell her we're going on ahead."

The sinking pit in Levi's stomach fell further as he stared at her, still having a hard time processing their sudden decision. He knew that sacrifices were inevitable, godammit, he knew that well out of everyone else, he witnessed countless deaths, lived through innumerable losses, but..

The both of you were supposed to be happy.

"We'll be waiting with Mike, but.." she finally turned to him, and Levi lost all the words as she finished, "but you and Hanji—don't come too soon, okay?"

A rush of the old times passed Levi's mind like a short film. He never liked getting sentimental—hell, he was more out of tune with his emotions than anyone else around here, but he would be lying if he didn't feel any sort of stinging in his chest at the thought that, again, he was losing more of those he deemed important in his life.

How pathetic for someone called to be humanity's strongest, unable to save them.

"Hey, Fish." Isanna raised a hand to pet her mare, her long-time partner softly nickering as it affectionately nuzzled its muzzle into her palm.

"What do you say riding with me for one last time?"

Fish nickered. Isanna doubted she understood her, but the response was well-appreciated.

She glanced around, seeing the rest of the recruits saddling their horses. They were terrified, and she acknowledged that. But Erwin's final speech seemed to have taken its effect in their minds and drove courage into their hearts for this last charge.

Strangely, she was calm.

Perhaps, too calm for someone who was about to charge to her death.

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