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Eyes wide open, chapped lips parted, streaks of dried blood trickled down his chin.

There was no doubt about it. Nicholas Lovof was really dead. Killed, in a painful and probably slow death.

While Baldrick was still in a state of shock, Isanna noticed a spurt of blood near the prison bars and crouched. She tapped it with her finger and brought it close to her face, inspecting the crusty blood.

He's been dead since yesterday. Probably, last night.

"Fa.. father.."

Isanna ignored Baldrick's murmurs and stood back up, numerous questions rolling in her thoughts. She told herself to calm down and gather the information they had as of the moment.

Nicholas Lovof, dead. Based on the blood coagulation, he'd been killed some time at midnight. Isanna wondered who was responsible, and why. Nicholas Lovof should have been spending the last five years in silence, so there should be no reason for him to be killed. And even if there was, considering how much of an asshole he was and probably had enemies left and right, why would they wait for five whole years to kill him?

She glanced at the other empty cells.

This compound was supposed to be the center prison ward of Mitras, handled directly by the Interior MPs, but not only were there no prisoners, there wasn't a single MP guarding the place except for the two at the gate.

Everything about this was suspicious. They managed to sneak in without a problem, and reached their target, except for the fact that said target was already dead. As if they had been led on, only to reach a dead end.

Like it was on purpose. A set-up.

A set... up?

Isanna's eyes shot wide open. Right on cue, there was the familiar prickle in her skin. Her ear twitched, and the warning immediately left her lips,


A gunshot rang.

Had she not grabbed Baldrick by the back of his head and shoved him down, he probably would have been dead.


While Baldrick was still in a haze, Isanna fisted the front of his shirt and tore down the corridor, dragging him while sprinting at full speed.

Baldrick stumbled on his feet, sputtering, "Wh—"

Another gunshot boomed, a bullet whizzing right beside his head. Baldrick yelped and tried to keep up with Isanna as soon as he found his footing.


"A trap!" Isanna yelled through gritted teeth, the walls blurring as they rushed down the hallway. "They got us! Don't look back!"

Baldrick looked back.

"Fucking—" Isanna didn't even have the time to slap him even if she wanted to.

There was a connecting hallway up ahead, and an MP suddenly came rounding the corner and blocked their escape route.

Shit shit shit—Isanna momentarily let go of Baldrick and ducked, sliding in a crouch just in time to avoid the rain of bullets, while Baldrick narrowly avoided them by frantically squishing himself against the wall. Isanna unsheathed her blade and sliced through the interior MP in one clean swipe, the familiar slash of skin ripping through her hearing.

Baldrick froze at the sight of blood.

"Don't stop! Keep running!" She yanked Baldrick by the wrist and pulled him forward as they continued their escape.

A Promise (An Attack on Titan Fanfic: Erwin Smith)Where stories live. Discover now