The Survey Corps is Weird

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One week had already passed since the induction of the 104th recruits into the Survey Corps. For the past week, continuous training and preparations had been made to gear them for the 57th expedition. 

"How's training with the kids, Dita?" Isanna asked befor she brought a glass of water to her lips and took a gulp. They were currently in the mess hall for their breakfast and saw the man passing by the table, so she thought she should ask how the new recruits had been faring. 

Dita Ness, the senior soldier responsible for teaching the new recruits their long-distance scouting formation, stopped in his tracks to face the woman as he saluted at her. "They've been doing fine, Sergeant." His lips quirked into a smile. ".. I have a feeling they'll do well in the expedition. It's a good thing we got most of their top ten this year."

Humming, she brought the glass down on the surface of the table. It was a surprise that they managed to reel in majority of their top ten, especially since most of them usually joined the MP. Isanna never got to skim through their profiles yet, partly because she wanted to get acquainted with them personally instead of reading a bunch of files. Also, even though it was morbid of her to think so, she didn't want to personally get to know them before the expedition only to feel disheartened if some of them wouldn't return. 

"That's certainly impressive," she muttered and smiled at him, "keep up the good work." 

As the soldier saluted at her once more before heading away, Hanji, who had been surprisingly quiet this whole time, turned to Isanna. "Hey, you didn't forget about the promise you made to me, right?"

Isanna raised a brow. "What promise?"

"You told me we were going to hold a funeral for Sawney and Bean."

Pressing her lips together, Isanna mentally sighed. She hoped she had forgotten about that. Their expedition was right around the corner, and she wasn't too keen on the prospect of receiving an earful from the Commander. "I don't think I promised you, but—"

"Come on," Hanji whined and clung to her arm, vigorously shaking her back and forth, "you promised. Don't go back on your word, Isa!"

The dizziness slowly got to her, so Isanna had to pry her off her arm. "Okay, okay! I never said I wouldn't do it.. I just—"

"Yes!" Hanji cut her off by smothering her with a tight hug, rubbing her cheeks against hers, "you're the best, Isa! Forget about Erwin and just marry me!"

Flustered, Isanna clamped her hand over her mouth and warily glanced around just to see the soldiers from the other tables glancing at their direction, before returning to their breakfast. She shot her a mild glare. "Why did you have to mention that guy?"

"What?" She shrugged nonchalantly. "Nobody's even surprised anymore. Watch this." She cupped her hands over her mouth. "Hey everybody! Isa has a crush on Erwin! See? They don't care."

"Hanji!" An involuntary blush crept on her cheeks as she gave her friend an incredulous look of betrayal. "What the fu—why would you—" She bit her own tongue and desperately looked around the mess hall in case the man in question was in the area. Luckily, Erwin rarely ate in the mess hall. Heck, he rarely even ate. 

But true to Hanji's words, nobody seemed to mind. They were either too preoccupied with small conversations, or were busy with their food.

Isanna clicked her tongue and glared at her. "You're such an embarrassment."

"Oh but you love me," Hanji cooed with a wink. 

Rolling her eyes, she snagged the loaf of bread on Hanji's plate and shoved it into the brunette's mouth, choking her. "Fine—choke on my love."

A Promise (An Attack on Titan Fanfic: Erwin Smith)Where stories live. Discover now