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With frightful panic flashing in her eyes, Isanna tried to reach out for her friends, who were wriggling in the titan's grip.

Blood splashed all around, blinding her view.

Isanna shot up in a cold sweat with an audible gasp, before shaking her head furiously. A nightmare. Just a nightmare. The usual ones that would plague her every night. She had to remind herself that was all in the past.

She was different now.

With a shaky breath, the girl swept her legs across the bed and stalked out of Erwin's room, the room where she had been spending her nights for who-knows-how long already, to the point that the other officers had started making fun of her for.

A clingy friend, they all said.

When Isanna stood at the doorway that connected Erwin's room to his office, her eyes landed on the blond who was currently on the seat in front of his desk, working on some papers. He heard the door creaking open and teared his attention from the papers, seeing the girl staring at him.

Erwin took one look at her face and a worried frown pulled his thick brows. "Again?"

Isanna wordlessly nodded.

The blond's frown deepened as his eyes scanned her state, before he lightly pushed his chair from the desk and gestured her over. Isanna walked over, soft steps padding the floor and settled herself on his lap, burying her face in his shoulder while her arms wrapped around his neck.

There was another reason why she spent her nights in Erwin's quarters, a reason unbeknownst to the others.

As the silence trickled in the office, the blond wordlessly started making soothing circles around her back, comforting gestures Isanna had come to know of whenever those dreadful nightmares would visit her.

This was why she preferred being near him.

"What time is it?" She muttered with half-lidded eyes, not moving from her comfortable spot, relishing in the blond's warmth.

"Two in the morning," Erwin replied, his eyes going back to the papers on the table.

Isanna frowned but didn't pull back from his touch just yet. "You need to sleep."

"I had enough sleep. I still need to prepare for our trip to Mitras," he said, "we'll be leaving later five o'clock."

The girl groaned and buried her face deeper in his shoulder. "Why so damn early?"

Erwin had already picked his pen and continued with his mountain of paperwork, his other hand still gently rubbing the girl's back. "It takes 6 hours by cruise."

With a sigh, Isanna shifted her head so that she was now staring at the window behind the desk, taking note of the dark sky and the dim courtyard of their headquarters. The room was silent save for the scratching noise of the pen making contact with paper.

She finally pulled back and looked at the blond. "Do you have some kind of plan to avoid the signing of the petition?" She was referring to the petition in disbanding the Scouts.

"Yes," Erwin thoughtfully replied, eyes still on the papers. "it's only for back-up. I'll meet with General Darius Zackly first before I deem it appropriate to act on the plan."

Isanna hummed, before a cheeky grin slowly formed. "Your plan.. does it involve violence?"

The blond paused at her question, his pen hovering above the document. His eyes then flitted towards the girl, unfazed at the closeness between their faces.

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