57th Expedition Beyond the Walls

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It was the day for their 57th expedition to take place, and if Jean were to be blunt, he was not excited at all. He would very much like to live longer, probably get married, have kids, and live in the interior, but then he realized this was what he signed up for when he chose to join the Scouts.

As he strapped the harnesses of their equipment over his body, he couldn't help but think about his late friend Marco, who was unfortunately one of the many casualties back at the battle of Trost. He unknowingly clenched his jaw at the grotesque memory of seeing his best friend lying down, all bloodied and a chunk of his body bitten off. He remembered crying the whole night when he came home, that day.

After shoving his feet into his military boots, Jean grabbed the green cloak that was hanging over a table in his dorm room and draped it over himself, securing the cloth over his torso as he straightened himself in front of the mirror.

If he had joined the Military Police, he would have been wearing a different emblem right now. Scratch that, he wouldn't even be wearing a uniform, because he probably still would have been dozing off at this hour, basking in relaxation and in the comfort of the interior.

Oh how the tables had turned.

Jean stared at his reflection. Marco.. watch over me.

And he turned on his heel and exited the room, the ends of his cloak ruffling behind him.

Once he stepped outside, he could see some of his fellow recruits leading their horses away from the stables, some loading the necessary supplies onto wagons as a bustling air wafted across the yard of the castle ruins.

"Sasha, those were our rations!"

Jean looked over to the voice and saw Connie scolding Sasha, who didn't seem to be apologetic even though she had just secretly wolfed down the rations all by herself just seconds ago.

"It was just a small bit," she defended, slightly pursing her lips in a pout.

"It was a whole satchel!"

"A small satchel."

Shaking his head, Jean walked over towards the two. "Oh to be preoccupied with food even though we're having our first expedition.. I envy you two."

Sasha looked at him with a huff. "Jean, haven't you heard of the philosophical saying, 'If you're hungry, eat'?"

"What the hell kind of philosophical shit line is that?"

Connie sighed as he looked at the brunette. "Do you even know what philosophy is?"

"I don't know, do you?"

"What's this all about, cadets?"

The trio flinched at the voice and whipped their heads to the direction where the voice came from. As their minds registered the person's identity, they all stood erectly and saluted over their chests.

"It's nothing, ma'am," Jean started as he looked at Isanna in the eye, "Sasha just—farted."

Said girl shot him an incredulous face of utter betrayal. First Mikasa, now Jean? Was she their frontal defense of excuse now?

Isanna raised a brow as she stared at the three teenagers. Erwin already had the rest of the veterans back at HQ ready themselves, so she was supposed to lead the recruits over to headquarters so that both groups can head to Karanes district together.

"If that's it, then hurry up and get ready," she ordered them, "we're heading to Karanes in a bit."

The three promptly nodded at her and turned around to get some last-minute preparation; while Connie and Jean walked away first, Sasha was held back by Isanna as the latter patted her shoulder.

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