A Choice with No Regrets

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Isanna was walking past the boys' cabin dorms just as Levi, Farlan, and Isabel stepped out, with the trio already wearing their gears.

"Isanna!" Isabel beamed with her usual cheery smile. "Don't we all look cool?"

The older woman couldn't help but smile back at her enthusiasm. Despite the trio's plan in stealing Erwin's documents, she couldn't deny the positivity Isabel gave to the soldiers in the headquarters; although there were still quite a few who were still not as closely acquainted with the new recruits, the loud girl's buoyancy had definitely brought more than one smile to a few soldiers.

Isanna lifted a hand and ruffled the girl's head. "Yeah. It suits you."

Isabel widely grinned with a blush. "Just you wait! I'll kill all the titans outside!"

"Idiot." Farlan stepped forward and lightly bonked her in the head. "Don't get cocky."

"Shut up, Farlan! Let's make a bet to see who kills more titans, then!"

The smile in Isanna's lips slowly fell at Isabel's challenge, unpleasant memories flooding back in. However, she shook her head to push the scenes away and teared her attention from the two bickering friends to see Levi staring at her harshly from behind Isabel and Farlan.

Without saying anything else, she ignored him and turned around her heel, heading for the building to gear up. Isanna passed by a lot of soldiers jogging here and there, making the final preparations for their expedition as they lugged the necessary supplies onto the wagons and readied the horses. A few would pause from whatever they were doing and saluted as the raven passed them, with her nodding at them before they proceeded with their tasks; the campus was filled with hustling shouts of the soldiers preparing for their departure.

When Isanna reached the supply room inside one of their main buildings, she wasted no time in readying her gas tanks and stocking up her spare blades, guaranteeing the stability of her equipments as she double checked her gear. When she was all suited up, she took a glance at the remaining soldiers who were still gearing up and ordered them to double their pace and hurry up, before finally exiting the room after receiving a chorus of "Yes ma'am!".

Isanna walked out of the building with rushed steps as she saw the line of soldiers who were already mounted up on their horses while some were still pacing around, carrying supplies and the like.

She saw a figure at the corner of her eyes and turned to see Mike who was mounted on his horse slowly trotting towards her, with the reigns of her mare in his grip.

"Thanks." Isanna received the reigns and pulled herself up on her horse, steadying herself atop the saddle as she patted Fish. 

"I swear you're the only one who names their horse 'Fish'," Mike remarked as he watched the girl. 

"Oh, shut up." the girl rolled her eyes before eyeing the blond's horse. "It's better than 'Tempest', at least. What are you, a seven-year-old? No offense, boy," she quickly added her last statement while reaching over to pat Mike's horse. 

"Anyway, where's Erwin?" she asked, pulling her hand back to grasp her reigns. 

".. You're like one of those plushies that repeats one line whenever their buttons are pushed."

The girl wrinkled her forehead at him. "What?"

Mike smirked. "Where's Erwin?"

Realizing his joke, Isanna glared at the blond before she reached over from her horse and playfully punched him in the shoulder, earning only a low chuckle from him.

"This ain't the time for your stupid jokes, Mike."

The blond smiled as he watched the girl steer her mare away towards the front of the line of soldiers, before he directed his horse to follow her.

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