The Trio

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The newly-recruited thugs brought mixtures of shock, confusion, and indignation back at the main headquarters in Wall Maria; the idea of having thugs join in their ranks - not only mere thugs, but criminals from the Underground City, was not received pleasantly by the soldiers. 

"Frankly, it's a disgrace!" Squad leader Flagon Turret exclaimed, slamming a fist on the meeting table; Commander Shadis along with his four squad leaders were currently holding a meeting concerning the issue. "You're asking us to accept criminals into our ranks?!" 

Commander Shadis, who was sitting at the head of the table, had his arms crossed with a solemn look as he regarded his subordinate. "Your complaint is only natural."

"Their presence could even put our lives in danger!" The blond squad leader continued on with his complaint but remained respectful as he addressed his Commander, voicing out his displeasure at the idea of mingling with notorious thugs and the effects it could have to the Scouts. 

"Squad leader Flagon," Erwin, who had been silently observing his colleague's outburst from across the table, finally spoke up, "You're right. These people had no training. They did not earn wings from us. They grew their own, out of necessity."

His look became more determined as he added, "And I believe those wings will play a part in revolutionizing this organization."


The Scout soldiers have formed a platoon formation in the middle of the courtyard of their main barracks, figures erect and hands behind them as they all faced the stage where their Commander stood along with the three new recruits. 

Isanna was standing right behind Erwin's towering figure, the blond standing at the front row because of his higher position, and she had to subtly tiptoe in order to cast a look at the trio whom they had caught just a few days ago. 

The leftmost was the girl with the red, spiky hair and a mouth as fiery from what Isanna remembered; she had a smug look on her lips - proud, even, with a casual hand on her hip. To the rightmost was the man with the ash blond hair; Isanna figured he had more tact compared to the other two since he tried to look formal with feet slightly apart and hands behind him in the standard military pose. In the middle was Levi, and his face was as stony-hard as ever in a bored expression as he regarded the Scouts with crossed arms. 

"I'm here to present three recruits who will be fighting alongside you," Commander Shadis announced in a loud clear voice before he told them to introduce themselves.

There was a thick tension as silence followed, and Isanna caught the way Levi's eyes spared a quick glance to her and Erwin's direction. 

"Name's Levi," he said, because he was just so friendly and enthusiastic like that. 

His other companions were more spirited than him, apparently, as they introduced themselves. 

"Isabel Magnolia," the redhead girl supplied with a grin at the general direction of the platoon formation and a thumb jabbing at her figure in a proud stance, "nice to meet all o' ya!"

Isanna arched a confused brow as she quietly muttered to herself, "Isabel? Isn't that Hanji's horse?"

Hanji, who was just standing in the next column, heard her comment and side eyed the raven. "My horse's name is Isabela."

Oh, Isanna thought, nodding to herself. 

The last guy introduced himself as Farlan Church, and Isanna couldn't help but knit her brows together when she saw him do a wrong salute. Well, at least he tried; A+ for effort. 

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