Raid on Stohess District

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It was finally the day for Erwin and Eren to be escorted through Stohess District. 

The Survey Corps' barracks had been a bustling quarters ever since morning as the fresh cadets readied themselves since they had been told that they were going to an excursion training somewhere in southwest regions of Wall Rose, while the veterans were discretely hauling the needed supplies for their final operation to capture the female titan.  

Erwin was about to step out of the building when Mike called him. "Erwin."

He stopped and turned to Mike as he stepped up beside him. "Make sure you capture the female titan."

"We will." Failure was definitely not an option this time, and Erwin knew that. He nodded to Mike as a goodbye and exited the building. 

Mike rested a hand on his hips and watched him get farther across the courtyard and out towards a waiting carriage outside their HQ. 


Glancing down, Mike was mildly surprised to see Mhile down by his feet, the cat peering at him with his green beady eyes, before he lifted a paw and prodded his boot. Mike chuckled and crouched down, petting him while he released a soft purr. Mhile nestled his face deeper into his palm as the Mike's eyes softened and a smile formed on his lips.

"I have work to do. See you later, boy."

"So because you can't fight you decided to be the classy-looking bitch instead," said Isanna with an unimpressed face at Levi who was sitting across her. He was donning a suit with his trademark cravat, and a dark jacket that he just draped around his shoulders because apparently, he was too cool to fit his arms through its sleeves. 

"If you keep talking shit, I'm ripping your tongue off." 

"Try me."

Levi scowled. Just before he could say anything else, however, the carriage door pulled open and they both turned to look at the newcomer. 

"What took you so long?" Levi grumbled, "huge shit passed through your ass?"

Isanna snorted while Erwin stepped inside the carriage and took the space beside her. "Erwin taking a huge dump? That's a funny image."

"Did you just imagine— "

Erwin cleared his throat, shooting the two a hard look with a raised brow that dared them to continue the inappropriate conversation. The last thing he wanted was for them to tear down his dignity when they were just about to enter an important operation.

"We are about to head to Stohess," Erwin said. "I expect you two to be in your best behavior." 

Levi uttered an incoherent grunt that was probably a 'fine' while Isanna merely muttered a 'yes sir'. 

In the next seconds, their carriage was finally pulled forward by a horse manned by a Military Police soldier, and soon they were on their way to Stohess district. The whole ride was silent, and a tension began to fill in between the individuals inside the carriage at the thought of capturing their target; with each passing minute, they were getting closer and closer to the most awaited event of the day. 

Jean, who had disguised himself as Eren much earlier that day, was currently in a separate carriage.

Not one of the group spoke to break the silence, knowing the risks of talking since their driver, who was an MP soldier, might eavesdrop. 

Some long moments after, there was a distant yell of soldiers outside and they heard the sound of a gate being lifted open in a grating clamor, signaling that they were just about to pass through the outer gate in Stohess. 

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