Mountain Ride

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It was pouring hard, thick droplets of rain streaming down from the clouded, dim sky and drumming loudly as each drop made contact with the roofs of the cabin buildings around the training grounds. The waters slid down from the hard wood towards the clay mud, now wet and murky because of the puddles of rainwater that had accumulated from the downpour.

"Damn," Adrian whistled through his tongue as he watched the storming rain from inside the cabin of the mess hall. "is the instructor really gonna make us ride through this?"

Adalaide stalked beside him with a casual fold of her arms across her chest. "You act like this is the first time."

"I will never get used to it."

"Well you have to. If you can't handle a measly rain, you can't handle titans."

Adrian grumbled, the thought of braving through the heavy deluge not a pleasant one but, knowing that he didn't any choice, decided to suck it up and go through with it anyway. He only hoped the rain would let down for even a little bit later on. 

"Dok, why're you smiling like that?" Adalaide had turned around and caught a glimpse of Nile in a lovestruck smile, clearly in a stupor with a flowery aura cloaking him. 

Embarrassed that he had been noticed, the dark-haired teen sputtered abashedly, looking away in hopes of hiding his pink cheeks. "I-I'm not!" 

"It's Marie, isn't it? Did something good happen yesterday?"


Chiara had walked over together with Mike, the brunette resting a hand on her hips as she smirked. "Nile, you suck at lying."

The three had engaged in a round of playful banter, with the two girls teasing Nile, who looked like he was regretting his life choices and why he even called the two his friends. 

"Seriously Dok, your smiling face creeps me out - doesn't suit you at all," Adalaide snickered at him, "you look like an even bigger idiot. How does Marie even put up with you?"

"Shut up Müller," Nile quipped back with an irritated irk mark. "say that when you've mastered your shitty math skills."

Adalaide's face fell upon his remark, clearly offended at how the man poked her weak spot. Everybody knew her math skills sucked big time. 

"Screw you! I've been practicing with Isa!" She puffed her cheeks and huffed, crossing her arms before she added proudly, lifting her chin higher. "I'm now an expert in quick math."

"Yeah?" Nile rolled his eyes, not convinced. "then what's 53 times 21?"


Nile's brows knitted together in a frown, face wearing a look of utter disbelief at how someone could be as stupid. "That wasn't even close!"

"But it was quick," Adalaide smoothly added, hands raised in a finger gun gesture as she pointed at him, completely shameless despite the wrong, far-off product. 

Adrian, who was merely listening on to their conversation along with Mike, shook his head. He didn't know if he should be amazed or what. He wasn't the brightest guy out there, but put him beside Adalaide and he'll look as smart as Einstein. "Her mathing did not math well."

Chiara, who was standing beside him and heard his remark, groaned and face palmed. She was ashamed for Adalaide's sake. And to think she's joining the Scouts like that.. I fear for her. 

But then again, despite being a blockhead, Adalaide was pretty quick when it came to using her 3DM gear. She had fast reflexes and could cut pretty deep. A dumbass, but a strong dumbass. It was actually a good fit for a soon-to-be Scout soldier. Among the female cadets, she was probably the most skilled next to Isanna.

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