Unbreakable Bond

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It was evening. 

The kitchen area was already vacant and dim at this hour, the atmosphere so deathly quiet that one could literally hear the drops of liquid dripping from the partially twisted faucet. Isanna sighed as she twisted it around, fully turning it off. As she straightened herself in front of the counter, she slowly rolled her left shoulder and flexed her fingers, feeling the muscles contract at the movement. A few days had already passed since their 57th expedition, and the veterans had been busy preparing for their next operation. 

Stretching her arm, Isanna heaved a silent breath as she felt the kinks in her arm after days of the limb being inactive flow out; the day for Eren and Erwin to pass through Stohess was around the corner, so she needed to regain sufficient strength for it. 

Speaking of Erwin, flashes of what happened in his office the day before yesterday flooded into her memories. She blushed, then quickly slapped herself across the face.

Amidst the silence of the kitchen room, the slap left behind an echo. 

She told herself to get a grip, before she looked at her palm and alternated tightening and relaxing it.

"Sergeant.. how is your arm?"

Isanna glanced over her shoulder and saw Mikasa standing at the door frame, subtly fidgeting with her fingers. 

"Oh hey, Mikasa," she greeted. "I can move it a little better now, thanks for asking."

She noted the way a glint of regret passed by through her expression. "I'm.. really sorry. Because of me, you and Captain Levi were injured."

A faint smile formed on Isanna as she waved her hand. "It's fine. I've had my fair share of injuries in this organization. Besides, I heal pretty fast. What's important is that we're both alive." She shook her head. "Anyway, what're you doing here?"

"I was just passing by, Sergeant," she curtly replied.

She really wasn't the talkative type, Isanna noted. She walked over and crossed the distance between them, gently patting her by the head. "Don't let that one mistake drag you down, soldier. Use it as a lesson for next time; don't let it happen again."

Mikasa nodded, steeling her expression in determination. "I will. I won't.. disappoint you next time, Isanna-san."

She called her by name. Isanna was elated. She ruffled Mikasa's hair. "I know you won't—you never have."

After she bid her farewell, Mikasa turned and watched her walk down the hallway, farther from the kitchens. Mikasa touched the spot where Isanna had patted her, a sensation of warmth spreading across her chest, and wistful expression on her face. 

She recognized this feeling. It was the same one she'd felt back with her mom during the simplest times of her life, and it was also the same feeling she'd felt when Eren's mom took her in her new home and welcomed her as family. 

A mother's affection.

Two days later...


The said teenager flinched and turned around at the call of his name and saw his Sergeant Major; he was heading to his room to retire for the day.

"Sergeant Major," he acknowledged with a brief bow before saluting at her. "Is there.. something I can help you with?"

Isanna was wearing a grim expression as she motioned for him to lower his salute, something Jean didn't fail to notice, but didn't think too much about it. After all, they had just finished their recent expedition the previous day which ended as a failure, and Eren was going to be sent to the capital in two days time; everybody knew that once he was handed over to the authorities, he would most likely be disposed of after 'dissecting' his body.

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