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The ride back to headquarters was suffocating.

With brows pulled together in a deep frown, Isanna made sure to stick her eyes at the window of the carriage, arms crossed in front of her chest as the blurry scenery of houses and civilians on the street whizzed by her view; she wasn't looking at anything in particular, she just didn't want to acknowledge the presence of the man sitting across her, who also happened to be fixing his attention through the window on the other side.

Neither side made an effort to break the silence.

The carriage finally stopped and they were outside the headquarters of the Survey Corps.

When Isanna heard shuffling movements and the creak of the carriage being pushed open, she clicked her tongue in annoyance before she followed her superior out of the ride.

As the soles of her boots crunched the bricked pavement below her, the raven watched with an unchanging frown as Erwin walked away without even a word nor a glance, heading directly to the main buildings of their barracks as soldiers in the yard paused to salute him.

What the fuck is his problem?

Cursing, Isanna shut the carriage door behind her in a loud bang, startling the coachman as he craned his neck to his side to see the girl with her head down and balled fists tightly clenched beside her.

Isanna heard the soft trotting of horse hooves as the rattle of carriage movements told her that their ride had frisked away, and she was still left standing outside the gates of their main headquarters.

She shut her eyes and told herself to breathe in calmly, easing the bubbling anger inside her that had been slowly forming ever since the meeting with the council and military personnel ended a while ago. Isanna tried to think up possible reasons why Erwin was suddenly acting the way he was and what happened to him during the short busy time they had not seen each other, but nothing. Nothing came to mind.

Is he serious? Isanna's mind went back to the conclusion of the meeting. Erwin had agreed to lead the Scouts and Wall Maria refugees into a mission to recapture Wall Maria in three months time. 

The idea was preposterous; even well-trained military soldiers for three years still managed to land themselves inside titan stomachs—how much more untrained civilians? Everything about this was so messed up, and Isanna knew that not only Erwin but everyone back at the meeting was aware of the absurdity of this mission. 

'Mission' my ass. Isanna scoffed, ordering her legs to finally move as she made her way inside the campus, ignoring the salutes of the soldiers she passed by. Those bastards just want to save their own asses. 

The raven woman thought about all the poor civilians who were about to march to their deaths three months from now, leaving their children behind with no one to take care of them. All because of those bastards' selfishness. 

She stomped her way inside the main building with a certain destination in her mind, fists still tightly clenched by her side as heavy footsteps bounced against the walls of the corridors, the sharp glare in her eyes becoming more and more furious as she neared her Commander's office. 

Without knocking, Isanna pushed the doors open with a deafening bang as it hit the wall and bounced back from the impact. 

There were two people inside: Erwin was seated behind his desk per usual, and Mike seemed to be in the middle of giving him a report. Both men paused their conversation as their heads turned to the fuming woman by the doorway. Mike arched a confused brow at the ruckus, while Erwin steadied his unbothered gaze at her, as if he was expecting such a reaction. 

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