Wall Rose Chaos

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Just as Isanna thought, it felt like everything took a worse turn ever since they found out that Eren could turn into a titan.

It wasn't like she was blaming the kid, but she couldn't help but curse their current situation. Everything had been a mess so far; their 57th expedition, the raid on Stohess, and now they had received news of titan spotting within Wall Rose. All within the span of one fucking month. Less than a month.

Currently, she was heading her way to Erwin's temporary office in Stohess, reading down a brief report of where the titans had been first spotted. According to the messenger, they were first seen somewhere in the southern rural regions.

That's where Mike's squad and the 104th recruits should be staying..

Worried, she clenched her jaw and tightened her hold on the parchment, the papers creasing under her fingers. Even though she was inside the building halls, she could hear jostles and hurried conversations from frantic soldiers from outside as they rushed in preparation.

Apparently, there were no breaches among the outer districts, and the squads that were stationed at the front line were still searching for the damage.

What else could go wrong? she sarcastically thought with a muttered curse.

Upon reaching her destination, Isanna knocked her knuckles against the door and waited until she heard the usual, deep "Enter".

When she entered the office, she saw Levi and exchanged a nod of acknowledgement with him. No usual banter, which was understandable, considering their circumstances.

"Think you can fight?" she asked, eyeing his injured leg.

He grunted, clicking his tongue. Isanna got the memo.

A shame. We would've needed those monster skills of his.

Erwin's voice cut through the air, catching their attention. The commander was standing behind his desk as he gave his orders. He told the two they were going to lead the Scouts and ride to Ehrmich, help with the evacuation and look for the breach; the sooner they locate the hole, the faster they can devise a plan to plug it up. As of the moment, titans were most likely crawling through the breach. It was a race against time.

After Erwin's orders, Levi headed for the door when the former called him.

"You'll be riding a wagon with Hanji and Pastor Nick," he told him. "And Eren, Mikasa, and Armin are to accompany you until Ehrmich district. After that, you are to stay behind."

Levi affirmed his instructions with a quick, wordless nod, then left the office. A tense silence crawled through the creaks of the room, and Isanna wasn't sure if it was because of their circumstances, some other reason, or maybe it was just her.

Fortunately enough, Erwin broke the silence. "Do you have other news?"

Glancing down at the report in her hand, she read through the file. "Mike's squad is out there in the front lines with the 104th.. apparently, there were no titan shifters among them."

"I see." A beat of silence, then he turned around, directing his attention outside the window. "And your injury?"

Blinking, Isanna rolled her shoulder and felt for any pain; there was still a slight discomfort, but not enough to bother her with her maneuvering gear. Hopefully.

"Feels better."

"I hope you're not trying to fool me."

"I'm not."

Isanna waited in silence in case he had any other orders, watching the way Erwin stood and held himself firmly, hands clasped behind his back.

"Then I'll take your word for it," he finally said. "You'll go with Hanji as well once we reach Ehrmich. I need you both in the front lines." With Levi out of action, he needed all the best soldiers out at once for combat. He made a mental note to send Mike to her location once they see each other.

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