News of Tragedy

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: Year 845 :

Isanna wondered if she would have made a difference that day. 

The Survey Corps had just returned from yet another expedition beyond the walls, but the Long-Distance Scouting formation did little to lessen the deaths and casualties on their side. Just their luck, they had ran into a horde of Abnormal titans before they reached the supply point, causing the death of so many of their veteran soldiers. 

In the end, it had taken the combined effort of Isanna, Mike, and Levi to slay the Abnormals. 

Isanna watched with pitiful eyes at the mother who was wailing in the middle of the street, trembling in agony as she clutched the remains of her son - which weren't.. that many to begin with, since it was just an arm wrapped in a cloak. 

The aged fragile mother lifted her face at Commander Shadis, and with tear-stained cheeks she demanded to know if the death of her son, even if not directly, were able to bring humanity one step closer in defeating the titans. 

There was a pregnant silence that followed her question, with Commander Shadis hesitating. "... Of course..!" His lips quivered in response, as if even he himself did not believe his own words. With head hanging low, he corrected himself with a shaky voice.

"No... our survey this time too... we.. " he paused, gritting his teeth while tears gathered in the corner of his eyes before he shut them close, "we accomplished.. nothing!"

Isanna teared her eyes away from the scene and clenched her grip around the reigns of her horse, brows furrowed down and jaws tightened, as Commander Shadis' voice broke down while he blamed his own incompetence; even though she never shared his burden as a Commander, she knew the pressure that weighed on his shoulders in leading them outside the walls and how he was always the brunt of the accusations and criticisms from the people within the walls. 

Following Shadis' break down, countless undertones poured through the atmosphere above the streets of Shiganshina, and Isanna could hear the murmurings of dissatisfaction flowing from around them as civilians proceeded to shower the Scouts with scornful expressions. 

She couldn't blame them, because even she herself was disappointed with the outcome.  

After that bitter scene, the remainder of the soldiers trotted down the cobbled street with their horses back towards Wall Maria where their main headquarters were.

Commander Shadis called for Erwin just before their horses could enter through the inner gate, causing Isanna to pull her mare to a stop as she watched her Commander approach them with a sullen and defeated face. 

"I'm promoting you to thirteenth Commander of the Survey Corps," was all he said. 

For formal processing of Erwin's promotion, he had to travel to the western part of Wall Maria where the military headquarters were located. Currently, he was in a temporary office as he waited for the papers, accompanied by his most trusted soldiers. 

"I wonder why he resigned so suddenly," Hanji mumbled to no one in particular, breaking the silence that had formed inside the office. She was sitting on the couch opposite to Levi, who was sipping his tea with his odd way of holding the cup. 

"Probably couldn't handle the pressure," Levi curtly replied after tasting the slightly bitter liquid, his face contorting to a scowl when the flavor wasn't to his preference. 

Isanna, who was leaning against the desk where Erwin was sitting, leaned her head back and closed her eyes shut with a tired sigh. It was cruel for her body for them to travel all the way to the western part of Wall Maria right after an expedition, but she didn't have much choice. 

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