The Final Operation I

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Erwin woke up from a strip of sunlight that was filtering past the window of his quarters. It managed to hit him right in the eyes, glaringly, leaving him no choice but to leave the comfort of his slumber.

He was about to sit up when he felt a warm presence radiating from his side. Erwin craned his head and was met face to face with Isanna's sleeping form, softly snoozing away without a care in the world, her chest heaving in rhythmic beats.

She looked peaceful.

For the amount of times they'd slept in the same bed ever since they were kids, Erwin wondered how he was able to survive this long. He supposed he should thank his father for raising him right.

Slowly, he lifted a hand to caress a few of her hair locks away, wondering if this was the feeling of waking up next to your wife every day—because if it was, then he was looking forward to feel it every waking moment for the rest of his life.

Erwin turned to the window where the light rays were seeping past, watching the warm hues of the sky as the coming of dawn neared, and like a bucket of cold water being doused, reality came washing over him.


The final mission to reclaim Wall Maria.

Erwin sat up and ruffled his bed hair, taking a moment to gather his thoughts and mental preparation for what was to come in the next hours.

He rose from the bed and headed to the bathroom, stopping in front of the sink. His gaze fell on his reflection, eyeing the bandaged nub under his right shoulder, before he lifted a tentative hand to hold his injury.

It would take about an entire day to travel to Shiganshina district—in less than forty-eight hours, the outcome of this operation would be decided.

At that thought, his hand subconsciously tightened around his injury.

Just a little bit more, he thought.

And, he paused, turning to the figure that was on the bed of his room, drowning in blissful sleep.

His long-time dream was finally within sight—and beyond that, his new dream lay in wait.

The executives of the new council had arrived at the HQ of the Survey Corps to bid them best wishes for their operation.

On one side stood a number of Scout veterans led by Erwin, the other the heads in the council—General Darius Zackly, Commanders of the Garrison and Military Police, Dot Pixis and Nile Dok respectively, to name a few.

After some final words, both sides gave their salutes to the other—salutes filled with hope that, this time around, the Scouts will return victorious.

Isanna glanced at Nile, noticing the way he seemed to have had a hard time looking at her in the eye. The last thing she saw of him before she turned around to exit the building together with the other veterans was Nile clenching his jaw, frown etched deep into his face.

The Scouts gathered around the top of Wall Rose just as the sunrise slowly soaked the skies above them with warm red and orange. Bustles of horses and equipment rolled through the atmosphere as the soldiers prepared the lifts that will carry them down the wall.

Erwin browsed over the soldiers as they went. Some—those who'd recently transferred from the other branches, seemed the most eager, while the others more somber. The very look plastered on their faces was enough indication of the difference between the new recruits and the older ones.

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