Street Festival

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Hanji wanted to have fun. 

They didn't. 

But of course, her incessant whining managed to drag Isanna, Levi, Mike, and even Erwin out of their offices and into the inner streets of Wall Maria where an annual street festival was being held. Levi was grumbling all the way because Hanji had interrupted him while he was scrubbing the roof (don't ask how he got there), Isanna was cussing at her because she had been in the middle of a nap, whereas Mike and Erwin didn't really complain outwardly despite being pulled out of their daily errands against their will. 

"I don't do well with crowds," Isanna mumbled in a disgruntled tone as her eyes landed on the crowded streets filled with adults, children, and the elderly all wandering about while strips of festive banners hung above; rambunctious laughter and mirthful smiles washing the citizens' expressions. 

"Come on, Isa!" Hanji beamed at her with her usual wide grin, "we don't get to de-stress like this!" 

The brunette left Isanna no room for further rebuttal as she pulled her by the wrist deeper through the winding horde of people, with the other three men trailing behind them but with more laggard pace. 

Isanna glared at the younger woman and was about to snap at her when Hanji leaned to her and tauntingly whispered.

"You sure you want to pass this chance of seeing Erwin in casual clothes?" She wiggled her eyebrows as the raven glanced behind her. 

After much persuasion from Hanji, all of them were wearing casual clothing because according to her logic, wearing casual clothing was more effective when trying to 'get into the off-day mood'.

As usual, Isanna had rummaged through Erwin's wardrobe and decided to put on one of his grey shirts as she paired it with tight leggings, while Hanji wore a brown polo with casual jeans.

Levi was wearing a simple black long-sleeved v-neck, Mike decided to go with a plain grey t-shirt that tightly hugged his torso and outlined his abs and majestic biceps, and Erwin was donning his usual white dress shirt and rolled up his sleeves up until his elbow, with three buttons unclasped from the top. 

As simple as they all appeared, they looked like they jumped straight out of a vogue magazine; it was a fresh change from their usual Survey Corps uniform.

The surrounding women oggled at the trio of men who seemed to be literally dazzling, because it wasn't everyday you got to see three hot and fit men strutting around in broad daylight.

"I don't care about that," Isanna snapped at Hanji with a scowl, "what do you plan to accomplish by bringing us all here, anyway?"

The brunette widely smiled as she shot a fist into the air with an excited squeal, continuing to drag Isanna with her. 

"To have fun!"

Behind the two girls, Mike observed the festive mood around them. The sweet aroma of street food from the stands situated near them wafted into the air, causing his sensitive nose to twitch at the delicious scent. 

"Tch, this is a waste of time."

The blond glanced at Levi, who was flanking Erwin's other side as they strolled down the street. The raven man was clearly not enjoying the crowd, seeing the way he was crossing his arms across his chest with a glower directed at no one in particular.

Mike lightly smiled. He wasn't one to go out of the headquarters and spoil himself on his off days like this, but he figured it wouldn't be too bad to spend at least one day away from his responsibilities. Besides, he wasn't alone, so he didn't find the need to complain. 

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