Baby Responsibility

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Isanna knew that their new main headquarters was going to be the one inside the main southern city in Wall Rose, but she didn't have the time to head to the inner walls since her presence was required to oversee evacuation in the eastern villages in Wall Maria; that, and, she doubted there were soldiers in the main headquarters in Wall Rose at a time like this. Knowing this, she had stopped by the Garrison's barracks situated in Karanes and ordered a female soldier to look after the child for a short while.

Obviously, the Garrison soldier had been perplexed at the sudden task that was thrown at her, but after identifying that the woman who had given the order was none other than the Scouts' well-known War Goddess, she had been wise enough to accept the task diligently.

"I'll be back for the kid in a few days," had been Isanna's parting words to the soldier before she rode away on her horse.

Fast forward to exactly two weeks after the fall of Wall Maria, Isanna was currently distributing goods along with other soldiers to the multitude of refugees that were swarming the southern capital of Wall Rose; the streets were completely crowded, filled with frustrated civilians who were pushing against one another in hopes of getting their hands on the measly rations.

At this rate, a riot will break out, Isanna furrowed her brows worriedly at the prospect as she observed several soldiers breaking out what was the umpteenth fight that had erupted between civilians that afternoon.

For obvious reasons, the citizens of Wall Rose were not quite welcoming of the evacuees because that meant they had to share their dwindling space and resources. Even as of the moment, streets all across the cities in Wall Rose were filled to the brim with homeless refugees. News had been spreading that funds by the government were given to industrial groups to allot the building of safe houses for them, but that was beginning to look like mere false assurances, because two weeks after, it was still only the remaining soldiers of the Scouts and Garrison who were doing everything they could to sustain and manage the crowd of both Wall Rose citizens and Wall Maria refugees.

And to think, Isanna hadn't eaten for five whole days nor had a proper sleep in two weeks. Had it not been the rigid training during her time in the Training Corps, she would have fainted after a day of not eating.

Bringing a hand to her temple, she slowly massaged her head while closing her eyes as she felt yet another migraine growing. The last thing she needed was to faint in the middle of the street in broad daylight; that would be embarrassing.

I also need to head to Karanes for the kid..

Two weeks had already passed since she had left the infant, way past her agreed date to pick it back from the Garrison soldier.

After a mental debate, Isanna eventually decided to leave her post in the city and headed off to ride directly to eastern Karanes district.

While Erwin's new office was evidently more spacious than his squad leader quarters back in the Scouts' previous headquarters, it was noticeably lacking from his personal belongings; but that was the least of his worries.

The blond had been busier in the last two weeks than all of the years combined back when he was still a squad leader, and that was saying something. In the days following the tragic fall of Wall Maria, he had to make countless rides to and fro in a meeting with the other authorities and discuss about the losses they had yielded as well as plan appropriate countermeasures.

He also had to take into account the report Isanna had given him about a week ago about what she saw below the breached gate of Shiganshina as well as at the top of the wall. Confusion had flooded his thoughts when she told him she saw children's footprints, and if it had been anyone other than Isanna who gave the report, he wouldn't have believed them; the girl's sharp senses, particularly her vision and memory, was topnotch even for him. 

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