So Close

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"Wait, wait, wait, wait... so let me get this straight. You guys 'talked' things over, probably got a li'l bit emotional in some parts, you started yelling, plus things got a tad bit 'heated'. But you still made up."

"Uh, yeah."

"So. You're telling me all of this happened late into the night, and you were in his office. The both of you. Alone."

"Uh, yeah?"

"All of that spicy stuff happened.. and you didn't even kiss?"

"Yeah we—wait—what the fuck, Hanji?"

There were a whole lot of backup reactions Hanji could pick from, but she decided to point out the most trivial thing.


"No, that's my line," Hanji rebutted. "What the fuck, Isa? After four whole years—and not counting all those past years of pining—you were supposed to accidentally confess your love in the middle of the argument by yelling "Because I love you" at the top of your lungs, then after catching him off guard at your confession, you push him against the wall and—"

"Gods, Hanji. You're reading too much romance novels. Go touch some grass."

"But it's my favorite trope!"

Isanna wondered how Hanji seemed to be more passionate about this than her.

They were the only occupants in the mess hall. It was late into the night, soft breeze and moonlight strolled through the open windows, and their table was lighted up with a lone flickering speck of flame from a candle, supported aright by a holder.

It was a conversation requiring maximal attention; girls talk, if you'd call it.

Isanna couldn't even remember how and why they managed to reach this far into the conversation. One second they were talking about the upcoming operation in Stohess—their final attempt in capturing the female titan—where Hanji was to bring her special restraining weapon as a backup plan in case things go for a nasty turn.

"Moving on," Isanna said, waving a casual hand to dismiss the topic, "like I said about, like, ten minutes ago—before you interrupted me—we'll be heading to the castle where Levi is and tell him the plan."

Hanji still looked like she was struggling to contain herself, as if she wanted to say something else, but in the end, she puffed out a sunken sigh and rolled her eyes. "Yeah. Fine. Say hello to Levi for me."

Right in that moment, Moblit entered the hall in search for Hanji, and once his gaze landed on the only occupied table in the room, he padded his way over. "Section Commander, Sergeant Major. Excuse my interruption." He curtly bowed at the two as soon as he reached them, before turning to Hanji. "Hanji-san, the supply team wants to speak with you about the restraining weapon. It's about the needed amount of nets for the operation."

"Right now?" Isanna frowned. "It's pretty late."

"Now's fine." Hanji didn't waste time and stood up, sending Isanna an apologetic look at the abrupt end of their conversation. "I'll get going, Isa. Better get some rest for that injury of yours. See ya tomorrow."

Isanna followed the two with her eyes as they exited the mess hall, and soon, it was only her and the flickering light of the candle on top of the olden table.

The moon was out.

Mike tipped his head back and allowed the serenity of the night to engulf him; the chirping of the cricket, the rustles of the weedy bushes, the howling of the wind, the distant chattering of some soldiers a few distance from where he was helped in easing him into the peaceful mood the night gave him. It was silent. Just like him. Just as how he liked it.

A Promise (An Attack on Titan Fanfic: Erwin Smith)Where stories live. Discover now