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"Top of the class, Isanna Herrmann."

"Top two, Erwin Smith."

"Top three, Mike Zacharias."

"Top four, Nile Dok."

"Top five, Adrian Schulz."

"Top six, Adalaide Müller."

"Top eight, Chiara Bauer."

Head Instructor Gricelda Koch stood in attention at the front of the cadets, on top of a stage in the middle of a wide empty plaza, within the campus of the main headquarters of the Training Corps. A flag pole was sticking out of a cemented holder at the very back of the square platoon formation of the new graduates, the wind fluttering the flag emblem of two blades crossed in an 'X', and standing at a distance in front of the platoon formation were the top 10 cadets of the 95th Squad, saluting to their instructor with heads held high. 

"Humanity has suffered limited freedom for over a hundred years because of those monstrosities outside our walls. Those of you standing in front of me this very moment, who have endured those 3 years of harsh training, are now finally off to your next path, to choose your desired military branch," the head instructor announced, her gruff voice loud and clear, ringing through the air. "I expect you all to bring your learnings with you in whatever path you choose to go down. Do not disappoint me, else I'll personally come to you and drag you back to train for another 3 years under me, and I swear I'll make you wish you'd rather get eaten by titans should that happen. Do you hear me, you little shits?!"

"Yes, ma'am!" 

The instructor formed a fist with her right hand and thumped it on her left chest while she folded her left arm behind her. "Dedicate your hearts to humanity! 95th Training Corps of the southern division, you are dismissed!" 

The mess hall cabin was extra livelier that very night. It was their last night together, and the 95th batch of cadets were throwing the traditional farewell party, enjoying a rare mountain stash of meal and drinks; it was a feast filled with goodbyes and heartfelt laughs, the perfect way to end their last night. 

Isanna had retreated out of the mess hall to the common restrooms located at the back of the cabin, and was now walking down the dim hallway, the lighting of the moon illuminating through the occasional open window she'd pass by as soft footsteps tapped against the wooden floor. She thought about the last three years she had spent padding down these hallways and realized that maybe some part of her will miss this place a little. The laughs and talks she had shared with her friends, the playful banters between them, and most importantly, the super rare hang outs she would have with Erwin from time to time as they snuck out to the rooftop and spend the night stargazing. 

The remaining month had passed by like the wind ever since Isanna had accidentally ran into Erwin and Marie kissing at the bar in town. While to some degree it certainly pushed her to a state of distraction, the girl had to slap herself back to reality especially since graduation had been right around the corner. After that incident, Isanna had made it a temporary personal goal to avoid the blond whenever they'd run into each other - at least until she could get her head out of the gutter and finally have the guts to face Erwin without having that unwanted scene flash in her memory. 

Now that they were finally official graduates, Isanna knew she'd have to stop avoiding the blond, especially since they would soon be walking through the barracks of the Survey Corps together with the rest of their friends. 

Isanna released a sigh and mentally calmed herself. This is it. We're finally joining the Survey Corps. 

"You're enlisting into the Military Police?"

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