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Because of the spy, Isanna had ended up spending the whole night in Erwin's office, with the two friends joining forces to pry all the information from the man.

Note: the man was terrified.

If Isanna's fearful threats wouldn't work, Erwin would eventually get him to talk by mere words alone, like the boss of a mind game who would psychologically tear you down bit by bit and you wouldn't notice it until it was too late. It wasn't the most moral way of interrogation, but it was either the man chose to suffer through that or endure Isanna's torturous method, which included pain and blood. Lots of blood. And the man was not a fan of it too much.

It was already dawn when Isanna had dragged him out of the office and threw him in the prison cell of their barracks, assigning a few trusted cadets to keep watch.

For about an hour or so, Isanna and Erwin got a brief sleep, with the former utterly passed out in the couch in the office while the latter was knocked out whilst leaning on his desk. Considering how they had just came back from an expedition, their exhaustion was reasonable enough. 

In the next hour, Isanna groggily woke up, bed hair sticking out and defying gravity. She spent the next few minutes drowsily blinking the sleep away while she sat on the couch, cursing the spy for taking up precious hours of sleep and how she now had to face another cumbersome day in her godforsaken life (her usual morning routine), before she walked over towards Erwin's quarters that were connected to his office by a door and stalked to his wardrobe. 

Rubbing her eyes, Isanna opened the wooden wardrobe and lazily scanned through the pile of clothes neatly folded inside, while some were hanging above. 

After a few seconds, the girl rounded her heels and stalked out of the room, hand on the doorknob and about to call the blond when she realized the desk was empty. She tilted her head before she heard soft splashes of water coming from the bathroom. Turning to the direction, Isanna stifled a yawn and stretched her arms as she laggardly made her way towards the bathroom, entering into the steaming space. 

Erwin was peacefully basking in the hot liquid of his bathtub, his body from the neck down to his feet completely submerged in the water, while the back of his head rested at the edge of the tub with his eyes closed when Isanna waltzed in. 

The blond furrowed his brows together but did not open his eyes. Leave it to Isanna to walk in in the middle of his morning bath. 

"Can I borrow some of your clothes?"

Without fluttering his eyes open, the blond replied, "Do as you wish."


When he heard the sound of the door closing, Erwin let out a sigh and relaxed in the hot water. 

Until it opened again. "Do you want me to bring you breakfast?"

Erwin finally cracked both of his eyes open as he turned to Isanna, the girl waiting for his answer with a hand on the doorknob while her face still showed signs of sleep. 

"No need," he replied, "I'll head to the mess hall myself."

Isanna stifled another yawn. "'Mkay."

And then she shut the door. 


Isanna walked out of Erwin's office wearing a white dress shirt that was a few sizes larger than her (the sleeves going past her hands), tucked into pants that she had left previously the last time she slept in Erwin's room (in the most innocent way possible). She shot one bored look at the smashed door that was leaning against the opposite wall and made a mental note to ask Mike to fix it back, before she headed down the corridor. 

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