SEASON 2: Timeskip

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: Year 844 :

They called her the Scout Regiment's War Goddess.

A lone figure zipped through the air at lightning speed in a blurry line, cutting past forest trees with the wind sharply whistling by as the Scout soldier darted towards a 20-meter titan lumbering around at a distance. It could not react in time as the soldier sliced past its neck, jerking the head of the beast before it crashed down on the hard ground with a loud thud, dust swirling and mixing into the flowing steam.

"Two titans coming from the east! 15-meter and 20-meter class!"

The soldier flickered her gaze towards her right, wasting no time in hooking her line to a distant tree bark and making a sharp turn to the right in a wide arc, using her momentum to her advantage. Upon closing the distance between the two titans, she allowed her body to decline, sliding past the gaps of their humongous legs before she whirled around and latched a hook on the 20-meter tall titan's neck and snapping forwards to gash it, her gas leaving a trail behind her while blood splotches landed on her face. She jumped, flipping her body in the air and whizzed towards the back of the 15-meter titan and sliced past its neck, the wind ruffling her green cloak that bore the crest of the Wings of Freedom.

"Vice captain Isanna!"

As she stood on a branch, Isanna's steel gaze flickered downwards to see some of the members in her squad who rode on horses, galloping towards the tree where she was perched on. "We've received orders to retreat back to Wall Maria!"

Isanna surveyed the fallen steaming bodies of the titans she killed with an unreadable expression, before she whipped down the tree in an arc using her 3DMG. The soldier handed her the reigns to her golden-brown mare.

"Where's Erwin?" She asked as she mounted up her horse, swinging a leg over the saddle and positioning herself.

"The squad leader is on the left flank of the command team!"

Isanna clicked her tongue in annoyance at the soldier. "Stop screeching like a pig, cadet, you're hurting my damn ears."

The soldier winced at her look and bowed his head. "M-my apologies, vice captain."

With no reply, Isanna pulled on the reigns of her horse and burst into a gallop, followed by the rest of the soldiers behind her as they regrouped back to their formation. Their small line of soldiers past by the occasional steaming fallen titan bodies, their bones now in full display as they slowly turned to ashes, along with bloody limbs and severed bodies cluttered on the ground.

Isanna could identify some familiar faces from the fallen soldiers that she would pass by back at headquarters, but ignored them as her horse ran by, knowing that other teams were already retrieving the dead bodies.

Just another bloody expedition in the Survey Corps. The usual.

When her sights landed on the formation that was gathering at the plains of the grassy fields, Isanna's eyes automatically scanned the small group, not minding that there were only about less than 30 soldiers milling about and the fact that a line of dead bodies wrapped neatly in green cloaks were queueing up, waiting for their turn to be carried to the wagons.


The girl hauled the reigns to a slow trot as a dark-brown horse pulled up beside her, its rider a woman with glasses and brown hair tied in a messy ponytail with bangs parted down in the middle.

"Hanji," Isanna glanced at her. "where's Erwin?"

"Nice to see you too," Hanji grinned back, not surprised that the girl was looking for the blond as if she was used to it, and pointed at a certain direction with her chin. "he's over there with Commander Shadis."

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