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It was all Isanna could think off as she sat on her seat, staring at the beauty in front of her.

They were in a some sort of pub in the capital. She had accompanied Erwin to the General Military HQ again because of a meeting with the other executives, but since her presence was not a necessity, she had opted to wait outside the building instead. That was when she ran into her.

Without having much of a choice, she had dragged Isanna to this pub as a way to 'catch up', or something along those lines. Gabs of conversations roused the establishment, glasses and mugs clinked as customers toasted each other and drank and laughed between exchanges, and waitresses roamed around the place to host and entertain.

In front of Isanna lay a glass of water, untouched.

And sitting opposite her was none other than Marie Dok, wife of her not-so arch-nemesis, Nile.

"It's been so long," Marie piped with a warm smile, hands clasped together and elbows on the table, as she leaned forward in enthusiasm. "I've been wondering what you've been up to these days.. I heard things in the military have been doing great?"

After minutes of leaving her drink alone, Isanna finally grabbed the glass of water and raised it to her lips. She took a sip, then finally answered, "Yes. There are still some adjustments being processed with the new government, but all is well so far. How about.. you?" Her voice had gradually gotten quieter at the end, unsure if they were close enough buddies for her to ask how she's been doing. Isanna figured it was fine, seeing how Marie had also asked her.

"Never better," Marie replied with a slight tilt of her head. "Nile has been busy with everything, so he hasn't been at home lately, but things have been pretty great. I applaud you Scouts for your achievements."

Twirling the glass around the table, Isanna replied, "It's because the Scouts has Erwin as a commander that we were able to achieve this much." Because had it been anyone but him, Isanna doubted they could gain this much.

At the mention of the commander, Marie perked up, curiosity in her expression. "Oh, that's right. Speaking of, how is he? Feels like it was just yesterday since he and Nile frequented the bar I used to work at." She chuckled, mind reminiscing their long past, a distant hue of pensiveness shining in her eyes. "Those were simpler times.."

".. He's been doing well," Isanna said after a pause, mind momentarily wandering over towards the past days. Work at HQ had been doing well as always. Eren had visited Keith Shadis earlier that day to ask some questions about his father, Grisha. They were hoping to get some valuable information when his group returns, at least before the next mission.

Tomorrow, they were set to depart for Wall Maria.

"Is that so? That's good," Marie said, her voice trailing off. Isanna wasn't sure what to make of the trailing silence that followed. She used the moment to stare at the woman before her.

She was still as beautiful as ever. Two dimples showed every time she smiled, her movements still as refined, and voice as velvety as the last time Isanna remembered. The personification of the Greek goddess Aphrodite herself.

There was one reason why Isanna was awkward around her: She was Erwin's first love, and correspondingly, Isanna believed the feeling had been mutual between them years ago.

Uck.. what am I, a teenager? she thought in shame, suppressing a sigh.

Marie was not like those annoying cliché love rivals in Hanji's novels who would often give their readers headaches because of constantly getting in the way of the main couples—Marie was literally unproblematic, and so nice, and went out of her way to invite her here, and yet Isanna was still uncomfortable.

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