SEASON 3: Humanity's Best Soldiers

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: Year 850 :

"Isa, please he—"



"No, Hanji."

"I just want to capture a titan!"

"I said no."

Isanna sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose at her relentless persuasion. The both of them were currently sitting face to face in the mess hall, having their breakfast that early morning. They were set to head out in another expedition later, and Hanji was still not over her titan capture project which she wanted for Isanna to take part in.

Hanji's project was the least of Isanna's worries. The 104th squad of the Training Corps had just graduated and she was going to accompany the Commander to address the fresh graduates in a few weeks from now. She could already picture the scant number of new recruits—if they would even have any, at all.

"Is there really no chance of you lending me a hand?" Hanji pouted at her.

The raven woman deadpanned at her attempt. "No."

After a few more minutes of useless convincing from the young brunette while Isanna continued to ignore her, the two girls had finally finished their meal and exited the mess hall. The barracks of the Survey Corps were already in a busy state as the soldiers went to prepare themselves and their supplies, with some letting out the horses from their stables.

Hanji had walked away, probably off to bother Levi this time with her titan capture project, while Isanna headed to the fourth building where the gear and supply room were situated. The early morning rays poured over her figure, casting a shadow below on the grassy patches as she made her way towards her destination.

Isanna noticed someone exiting the fourth building and saw Erwin stepping out, the both of them holding each other's gaze. With a bored look, she broke their eye contact and fixed her attention on the open door of the building, as the both of them passed by each other without a word.

Four years had already passed since the fake mission to reclaim Wall Maria. Four years since their big fight, and four years since their relationship with each other was strained because of it.

Isanna tensed her jaw as she walked inside the building and headed to the supply room. She never made an effort to patch things up between them—and neither did Erwin. It seemed the both of them had come to a silent agreement to put it behind them and focus on their job, but there was this invisible hanging tension that never disappeared.

Because of that, the both of them only talked when necessary, which only included topics concerning matters in the Survey Corps and making things between them strictly professional. And to top it off, Isanna had stopped dropping by to hang out and sleep inside his quarters, which had come as a shock to the rest of the soldiers.

What used to be a tight-knit friendship between childhood friends had turned sour.

People inside the walls often referred to them as humanity's most formidable battle arsenal.

"Look, it's Captain Levi!"

One of the soldiers behind the line of their formation glanced at the civilian who had pointed with huge admiration in his face at the said man, who was currently mounted on his dark steed while the Survey Corps trotted down the cobbled street of Trost district towards the southern outer gate, heading to their 56th expedition beyond the walls.

The soldier directed her gaze ahead of her and gazed at the five soldiers who were at the front of their formation, leading them.

Ever since the tragedy of the fall of Wall Maria five years ago, the Survey Corps had been holding scouting missions in an effort to set up supply points and secure a route towards the breach of Wall Maria and Shiganshina district, hoping to retake humanity's lost territory that had been stolen from them by the titans. In those scouting expeditions, the Survey Corps had been led by five prominent figures—all soldiers boasting of exemplary skills both in battle and tactical intelligence.

The soldier, Nanaba, who had joined the Survey Corps shortly before the fall, had been there in all their expeditions and had seen with her own eyes how well those particular five soldiers worked together on the field; that despite the slight tension between two certain people following their disagreement four years ago, their dynamic on the battlefield was unparalleled with none other.

People had been dubbing the past four years as the golden age of the Survey Corps, not because they had seen fewer death counts, but because it was a remarkable period in military history that five great soldiers had come together to lead the Scouts.

Nanaba looked at the dark-haired man who formed the front line of their formation. Captain Levi. Despite his background of having a criminal record, he was undoubtedly their number one offensive fighter and was the beacon of hope and inspiration to the other soldiers; the vanguard soldier of their group with his insane speed and techniques, he was responsible of facing the brunt of the enemy attacks head on with his undaunted bravery.

Moving her eyes, Nanaba turned to the blond riding beside the Captain. Mike Zacharias. His brute strength and tactical skills in battle made him a proficient fighter beside Captain Levi; the middle guard soldier, he gave the most efficient support during expeditions, often cleaning the titans with quiet yet calculative moves.

Nanaba turned to the raven haired woman who was at the frontmost on the right side. Isanna Herrmann. Her impressive stamina and sharp senses were enough to make her a formidable fighter; the rear guard soldier, she displayed proficient kills on the battlefield, swift movements that fell down titan after titan without ever losing momentum.

The three soldiers formed what was their most formidable offensive battle formation.

Nanaba looked at the brunette just a bit behind the Sergeant Major. Hanji Zoe. She was responsible for gathering and processing information during expeditions with an open and creative mind, and the number one soldier brimming with ardent passion, intelligence, and curiosity that could never be satiated. Her eccentricity was overlooked by the notable inventions that had been created from her ingenious mind as it had significantly helped the Survey Corps in their expeditions beyond the walls.

If Nanaba were to picture them as a whole body, Isanna and Levi were the right and left hands with their exemplary battle skills, Mike would be the legs giving his support and ensuring they would not fall down, and Hanji would be the eyes that analyze and assimilate information while out during on-field missions.

And the man responsible for everyone, the one leading this group of exceptional soldiers..

Nanaba looked at the blond Commander, who was at the frontmost center of the formation. Erwin Smith. He possessed the highest military intelligence and astounding leadership ever seen even among the other leaders and was considered to be the most ruthless and brightest Commander who had ever led the Survey Corps.

Captain Levi. Humanity's strongest soldier.

Mike Zacharias. The silent yet deadly fighter.

Isanna Herrmann. The Scout's war goddess.

Hanji Zoe. The visionary scientist.

Erwin Smith. The ramrod and charismatic leader.

If Isanna and Levi were the right and left hands, Mike the legs, and Hanji the eyes, then Erwin Smith would be the brain, the mastermind and overseer of the battlefield.

And people inside the walls called these five as their most formidable battle arsenal—humanity's best soldiers.

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