Warm Seasons

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Christmas season that year was distinguishably much colder than previous years, and it was not a mystery to every citizen that the most recent tragedy of Wall Maria was the cause of the gloom.  

The afternoon sky was filled with snowy clouds, temperature some degrees below zero, and the barracks of the Survey Corps were covered in heaps of pale snow as the sun glowed brightly; the flurry of snowpack glinting and the withered trees inanimate under the cool heavens while a howling wind blew through the air. 

Crunches of footsteps on the snowfield in the courtyard resounded, followed by baby giggles. 

"You like the snow, don't you?" Isanna smiled as she lifted Lauren a bit higher into the air, the child reaching out to the sky with her dainty fingers as if she could reach it. 

For a few peaceful moments, it was just the soldier and the baby, enjoying the serenity of the snowy scenery that was enshrouding the entirety of their headquarters. The both of them were wrapped in bundles of clothing to endure the extreme weather outside; the previous days were difficult to go out in due to the harsh blizzard that had been raining on the earth, and it was only on that day did Isanna finally get the chance to go out and let Lauren see the beauty of Christmas season after much convincing to Erwin because apparently for him, it was 'too cold for Lauren to go out and her body might not handle it well'. 

He was overprotective like that. 

Fortunately, Isanna managed to persuade him to allow the both of them outside on the condition that they wear at least five layers of clothing. 

"Commander daddy's such a big doting oaf, isn't he?" Isanna grinned as Lauren cooed back at her, causing her to softly laugh along. 

The tranquility of their moment was shattered when Hanji's piercing shriek of excitement came barreling from inside the main building of their barracks, followed by the loud banging of doors being pushed open. In no time, the brunette was racing outside across the snowy yards, arms extending wide to her side as she felt the cold air slapping her skin. 

"Woohoo!" Hanji whooped, grin so wide Isanna thought it would shoot past her face, "Merry Christmas, everyone!" 

The older woman shook her head with a small smile while Lauren cooed, joining Hanji in her merriment. 

Hanji ran for a few meters across the yard before she suddenly stopped and, with a loud gleeful laugh, fell down on her back on the pile of snow and began swiping her arms and legs to form a snow angel. Typical Hanji behavior.

Isanna could only sigh, turning to Lauren while pointing at the brunette. "See that weirdo over there, Ren? I hope you don't become as crazy as her."

The raven woman trudged over towards the lying figure of Hanji, who was smiling so widely while she was rigorously swishing her limbs in a blur like there was no tomorrow; any faster and her limbs would pop out from its sockets. 

Lauren made an incoherent noise while pointing down at the snow, causing Isanna to follow her gaze and realized she wanted to form a snow angel too. The raven woman mulled over the idea of lowering her down onto the cold ground. In the end, she crouched down and gently placed the toddler on the soft patch, with Lauren grinning widely as she began to pat the snow with her hands.

A loud gasp erupted from Hanji's lips as she sat up abruptly. "I almost forgot!" She cupped her lips and bellowed, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEEEVIII!"

At her rather conspicuous birthday greeting, Isanna remembered the special occasion; it was Levi's birthday, and she didn't even get him a gift. The raven woman began thinking of some other ways she could do something special for that grumpy gremlin. Maybe she could help him clean up the snow on the roofs of their barracks? Or perhaps buy him some military platform boots?

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