3DMG Training

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A/N: we didnt get to see much of Erwin in action TTATT i know its bc hes the commander and all but i wanted to see him fight (he was so cool when he fought levi in the no regrets ova)


"Care to explain why those two have been looking at Erwin like that since this morning?"

Isanna paused from her stretching, turning to the voice and saw Adrian looking over towards Chiara and Adalaide, who were also staring intently at Erwin at a considerable distance. Except, the two girls were sporting dark glares.

Sighing, Isanna shook her head. She had told them to keep what she revealed to them the night before as a secret, but their glares towards the blond were as conspicuous as it could be.

Could they be any more obvious?

After their 'girls' talk, Isanna had decided to bury her feelings for Erwin now that she knew he had taken a liking to someone, and that someone happened to be the same girl Nile was interested in. But of course she wouldn't divulge such a secret; frankly, it was none of her business.

"Beats me," Isanna shrugged her shoulders in fake indifference before resuming her stretching. She noticed Adrian moving his gaze to and fro between Nile and Erwin, a somewhat conflicted expression.

Poor guy. He was sandwiched between his two best friends, a love triangle with a bar waitress. Isanna sympathized with him.

Honestly, if Isanna were in Marie's position, she'd choose Erwin, - and, borrowing a slang from Adalaide and Chiara, - no cap.

She crouched and stretched a leg, eyes glancing towards Erwin and Nile who were currently engaged in a conversation. Yep, she'd definitely pick Erwin over Nile any day. As quick as a heartbeat, with no hesitation.

What kind of blind idiot would pick that prick over those perfect fancy eyebrows - GODS, calm the fuck down Isa.

Isanna slapped both of her cheeks as a means of getting her attention back on training, the impact causing her cheeks to burn and swell in a color of light pink.

"You've finally gone nuts."

Isanna lifted her face to see Nile and Erwin had approached, the former looking at her with his usual disgusted expression while the latter wore his usual, calm demeanor.

Grumbling, the girl stood up from her crouching position. "Dok, do you wanna know how much I love you?"

"No," Nile immediately replied, his face scrunching up even more and confused as to where the girl was getting at.

Isanna ignored him and pointed a finger at the sky. "Count the stars."

Nile automatically looked up, before cursing himself for falling for her gesture. His brows pulled together into a frown as he returned his eyes on her. "Fuck you, it's morning."

"Exactly," Isanna said with a stoic face.

"Technically," this time it was Erwin who entered their conversation, mildly surprising Isanna since the blond always tended to just listen quietly to their verbal exchanges from the background. "the sun is a star."

For a few awkward moments, the three cadets stared at each other as the information hung above the air, as if he just dropped the most mind-blowing revelation to them. 

Then, with a frown, Isanna finally broke the silence. "We get it Erwin, you're smart. You don't have to rub it in our faces."

"Idiot," Nile retorted at her. "you don't have to be smart to know the sun is a star."

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