Survey Corps

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2 months had now passed since Isanna and the others had been inducted into the Survey Corps. In those months, the new recruits had spent it acquainting themselves with the other existing soldiers, familiarizing the map of their headquarters, and versing themselves with the basic rules and whatnot. The main objectives of the Scouts were to hold expeditions outside the walls and explore more about the outside world and the titans, as well as securing bases and fortifications. Their side job included being titan food, but we don't talk about that.

Even though they often lacked personnel because of the high death toll, the Survey Corps was known to be the branch where all excellent, highly-adept soldiers worked at thanks to their experiences from countless battles. It was said that even a low-ranking soldier was more skillful than most high-ranking officers of the Garrison and Military Police, due to experience alone.

The more Isanna spent time in the main headquarters of the Survey Corps, the more she came to realize the weight of the symbol on her back: the Wings of Freedom.

Taking a short step back, the girl swiftly avoided the punch that was aiming for her face, the movement causing the sweat on her forehead to swish away before Isanna locked an arm over her opponent's outstretched arm while her free hand thrusted out to shove his chin away, throwing his head backward. Quickening her speed, she shot her body forward, wrapping an arm over the soldier's exposed neck and slammed his back hard on the sandy ground of the courtyard in their training grounds, a grunting effort erupting from the man's throat. The shove had caused swirls of dust to furl around, with both Isanna and her opponent panting at the exercise.

"Good work, Herrmann," their trainer, a squad leader praised before she nodded at the soldier who had been thrown on the ground by Isanna. She proceeded to give advices on the things the soldier needed to improve on before she called the next one over.

After saluting, Isanna walked away, lifting both hands to re-tie her dark hair that was now bathed in her sweat while training under the afternoon sun. Now in a ponytail, she dropped her arms back to her side as they swayed while she walked towards a nearby log that had been placed for a brief resting spot.

They were going on an expedition by next week, so preparations had become more intense with the trainings - more so especially since they were new recruits.

After dropping on the log, Isanna closed her eyes and lifted her face, feeling the warm sunlight dripping on her skin as she relaxed herself and willed her mind to avoid the small bubble of worry that had been growing inside ever since they had been informed of the expedition.

They were soon heading outside the walls.

Isanna stepped out of the girls' bath, the hot steam flowing out from inside and swirling out into the corridor. She lifted a towel and began drying her hair, letting out a contented sigh at the freshness enveloping her skin as she felt the exhaustion seeping into her system. After a day of strenuous exercises, it felt good to finally wash off the sweat.

She trudged down the corridor for a while before arriving in the dormitory wing, rounding the corner and reaching the room where she and some of the female soldiers were now staying. The room wasn't anything grand and resembled their dorms back in the Training Corps; Isanna thought life in the Survey Corps wasn't that much different back when they were training cadets, but then again she hadn't seen the full extent of it yet. She knew she'd soon realize the difference the moment they'd step outside the walls, where her life as a Scout will truly begin.

That is, if she'd even have a life to return to.

Isanna saw Adalaide and Chiara chatting away on the bed nearest the open window and made her way towards them. 

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