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A/N: how to be marie :<


It was a day off for the cadets of the 95th Squad. While their series of training for the months leading up to their graduation day had become more intensive, their head instructor had also given them more off days in return, shocking the training cadets. They said the Devil's Spawn was finally beginning to sprout some angel wings and a halo now that they only had a few months left.

While Adalaide and Chiara decided to visit their families, Isanna had chosen to accompany Erwin and Nile to their favorite bar, because she wanted to see with her own eyes just what exactly was so enchanting about the girl that she managed to sweep both Erwin and Nile off their feet. 

Isanna had already steeled herself for what's to come, her movements unnaturally rigid as the three walked into the bar.

The place didn't look anything special. It was your ordinary run-of-the-mill bar place, with tables littered with several customers all enjoying fun chats, a wooden counter a few meters opposite the entrance door and a shelf filled with an exquisite set of winery. 

"Welcome!" A woman with orange-brown hair that was tied up neatly, with some strands framing her face, greeted them. She was wearing a white ironed dress that stopped right below her knees, frilled sleeves and front, and a purple red vest that hugged the upper part of her body and showcased her slender curves delicately, with interwoven strings at the front. 

The girl shortly paused when she recognized the two boys. "Oh, Nile and Erwin, it's nice to see you two again!"

After exchanging greetings with the two did her eyes finally landed on Isanna, a warm welcoming smile etched on her plump lips. "And this is?"

".. Isanna," the girl curtly introduced with a quick nod of her head, while the lady's eyes widened lightly at her name.

"Oh, Isanna, is it?" She shot a friendly smile at Erwin. "You're the friend Erwin talked about!"

Erwin wore a polite smile of his own as he nodded. "That's right. Isanna, this is Marie."

One glance at her and Isanna immediately found her answer as to why the two guys were head over heels. She had very feminine features with her doe-like emerald green eyes, two dimples whenever she smiled, and a petite figure of a perfect hourglass body. She was also quite tall, just enough to compliment her slender stature.

After a few more exchange of words - with Isanna noticing how blushy Nile was - Marie led them to a table near the wall on the left side of the entrance.

"I guess it'll be the usual?" She sweetly smiled as the two boys affirmed their orders. "What about you, Isanna?"

"Uh.." Isanna's eyes anxiously scanned through the menu that Marie had handed to her earlier, feeling the nervousness seep in knowing that their eyes were on her, waiting for her order.

"Take your time, it's no problem."

Giving up, Isanna lowered the menu. "I'll just have whatever Erwin's having."

Marie nodded while writing down her order on her small, brown pad. "Will that be all?"

"Yeah - I mean.. yes, that's all," Isanna had to bite her tongue in restrained frustration at how awkward and strained her voice was. To her defense, Marie just sounded so formal and eloquent that she was pressured to talk in the same way as her.

As Marie walked away to get their orders, Erwin leaned near her ears and whispered. "Is something wrong?"

Startled at the close proximity, Isanna winced and leaned away from him. "No, I'm good."

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