Blood Donation.

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She looks up at him and said "Please oppa i need to know."

"There is nothing you should know baby." he replied.

"There is. I'm so sure that there is something i need to know else hyungs wouldn't be so worried." she said. 

He kept quiet. " If you will not then i'll ask hyungs." she said looking away from him.

He picks her up and make her sit on the bed. He kneels down on te floor and kept his hands on her thighs. He looks up straight into her eyes. " My past is not as glorious. I will tell you when i'll have courage to tell you.  I want to protect you and to make sure that you're protected I have to keep you by my side and I'm fucking unsure about your reaction. I don't want to loose you at any cost. I promise I will tell you everything." he said.

She held his hands and said " I'm all yours Min Ho. All yours. I love you , the present you. The person you're right now . Not your past. I just need to know and tell me whenever you're comfortable. But why do you want to protect me? I can protect myself. I'm Strong."

He smiles and sits next to her wrapping his arms around her shoulder. " Hmm I know you're very strong. But my love for you is even more stronger."

She giggles. "For now you're strictly not allowed to go to some places." he said .

"What places?" she looks at him and asks.

"You're not allowed to go Gangseo , Yeongdeungpo and the other side of Han River. Strictly forbidden." he said sternly.

" But Gangseo in on my way to office oppa."she complained.

"I don't care. Take the longer route." He said.

"ugh fine." she said and smiled.



After few days.

Y/N was doing as she was told to. She was taking longer route to go work and was avoiding going alone as much as she could. Everything was going smoothly. 

At BTS's dorm.  

Y/N was sitting on the sofa in the living room doing something on her laptop. V was sitting on the adjacent sofa and was reading a magzine with BTS as cover page. Everybody else were in their rooms except for Jungkook and Jimin. After few minutes, Jk and Jimin enters the dorm. Jk looked extremely happy and was smiling very brigthly.  V looks up at them and asked, "What happened JK? You're looking extremely happy." This caught Y/N's attention who was so engrossed in her work that she didn't even notice JK and Jimin coming.  She looks at JK and smiles seeing him smile but didn't say a word.

Jimin calls everyone out. " Hyungs come out we have something to show to you guys." Jimin shouts.

Y/N raises her eyebrows at JK asking what is it. But he just smiles and nods. Everyone gathered there. 

"Okay so without wasting your time i'll show it to you guys. But before that i need you to know that I already took permission from PD-nim and he approved." JK said.

" Yes yes i was there too." Jimin agreed and they both chuckled.

"Okay So what is it that needs Bossie's permission?" Y?N asked.

"So hold your breaths." JK said and rolled his sleeve up exposing his full arm tattoo.

"OMG finally.  You wanted to get inked for so long." V said.

"It is looking very pretty JK. I must say." Yoongi said.

" It has very pretty meaning too. I love it." Namjoon said.

Everyone was very satisfied with his tattoo and they all liked it very much.

"Look Y/N here is your initials." Hobi said caughting everyone's attention towards her who has said literally nothing yet and she had no expression on her face.

"You said nothing Y/N. Don't you like it?" JK asked.

"I didn't know that you were this stupid. Have you completely lost your mind? " She said to JK.

"What?" JK asked in surprise as he was not expecting this reaction from her.

"Do you have any idea that you won't be able to donate blood for atleast next 8 to 12 months? Don't you know how rare blood group we both and Yoongi hyung have? very very very rare blood group. What if me or Yoongi hyung need blood? Yoongi Hyung can't give blood to me because he is anaemic. You're the only one who could donate blood to me. And Fuck me. You don't care about me but what about Yoongi Hyung? What if he needs blood? What will we do then?Huh? Why the fuck would you do this?" She yelled.

Everybody was very quiet. They would have probably seen her shouting at JK like this for the first time. Not only JK but she never ever raises her voice in front of anybody especially in front of her hyungs. She is very soft spoken. 

JK breaks silence. " I don't care about you Y/N?" he scoffs. " Think whatever you want. But if Yoongi hyung would need blood you would be there to donate blood to him. So stop exaggerating things, okay?" he added.

She scoffs. "Exaggerating? I'm Exaggerating things? So you tell me what would you do if I'm not around and Hyung needs blood? Huh? tell me? What would you do if I'm not in Seoul and he needs blood. You know it very well even for smallest surgery he will need blood. Fucking tell me what will you do?" she yells louder as she completes her sentences.

Nobody said a word as she was right. She sighs and goes near the door picks her car keys and goes out of the dorm blabbering something. She was very very very ANGRY. 

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