It's Cold, Hyung-Nim.

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Today, BTS has to attend Music Award function. Y/N was running from one section to another to check if the outfits and other accessories are there or not , so that whenever her hyungs reach they don't have to wait and stuck in some hustle bustle. While she was checking, other members arrived. She bowed to them and hugged them because she met them after two days. Jk and V were not there.
"Everything is ready hyung. Will you please change and put accessories on so that I can see if they're looking fine or not?" she said.
"Okayy." Hobi said and everybody else nodded.
"Where is 'Maknae hyungs'?" she asked. Her question made everybody giggle.
"They are on their way Kiddie." Namjoon said.
She nodded and said "Hobi hyung I picked your outfit but it's little out of your comfort zone but I'm sure you'll look good. If you don't like it then i have another one. Okay?"
"Yesss Love." Hobi said.
"You go get ready Y/N. You don't have to treat us like children." Yoongi said.
She cupped his cheeks with both of her palms and said "You all will be shouting my name within 20 minutes. Y/N I'm not finding this, Y/N where are ny shoes, Y/N this Y/N that." she mocked.
"Yaahhh~ you wanna die or what?" Yoongi complained releasing himself from her grip. Members around them giggles.
"Well two children are on their way. The ones who throw lots of tantrums." she said rolling her eyes and smiled.
"You seem to be in good mood today Y/N-ah. It warms my heart seeing you smile like this after so many days." Jimin said rubbing her upper arm. She smiles back at him. Everybody leaves to get ready.
Y/N was about to leave and, JK and V enters. She bows to both of them. Jk bows a little to her and enters and passes by her without saying anything to her. She pouts looking at V. She hugs V. V kisses her forehead.
"He is so stubborn." V said.
"I know right." she said and smiled.
She goes to JK and said "Please Hyung-Nim change your outfit so that I do your hair and then I'll get ready."
He looks at her and just nods and said nothing.
She left and gets changed. She comes back to do V's and JK's hair and do that. Still JK didn't say anything to her.
Award functions starts and BTS as group receives many award. Boys went up and she,as always, stood off stage , watched her ideals receive awards and cheered on the top of her lungs.
She receives an award for her OST. She goes up on the stage and MC asks her to give a little speech.
"I will take some time so I beg for your pardon. Well, this award isn't mine. It's JK hyung's. This song was offered to him and he liked the lyrics so much that he asked me to sing it (Chuckling) .
Though he is upset with me right now. Actually very upset that he is not even talking to me"
JK's eyes widens listening to her words.
"I still remember the first day when I came to Seoul. I was 13 years old. It was very cold that day and I was sitting in Bighit building, outside PD-nim's office. I was shivering because of the cold. Then a guy came out (She clears her throat as she chokes, she was controlling not to cry) and took me to a warmer place. He was Jk hyung. He took me from a cold place to a warmer place."
JK was looking at her with the softest gaze and his eyes were getting watery.
"Hyung! (she turns towards the direction they were sitting) it's very cold without you hyung. Please forgive me and take me to a warmer place again. (Tears roll down her cheeks.) I have never felt this lonely and empty before. I'm sorry Hyung-Nim. Your evil girl is very sorry. I won't do that again. I will be careful. Very careful with my words. You were not only my hyung but my best friend too."
JK looked down and covered his face as he couldn't control his tears. She notices that.
"Hyung, don't cry. I won't be able to control myself."
He stood up and ran up on the stage and threw himself on her, disbalancing her.
They both went to their old flat and sat down in the balcony. She faced him and cried her heart out. Tears were rolling down his eyes too.
"I'm sorry hyung. I'm sorry."
"No I'm sorry Y/N. I shouldn't have scolded you that badly. I felt very bad after scolding you." he said.
"I deserved that Hyung-Nim." she said softly with her eyes down.
He hugs her and said "I'll forgive you if you'll forgive me."
She pouts "I love you Hyung-Nim."
"I love you too evil girl."
"I missed hearing evil girl. I missed you so much."
"I missed you too."
They both spent whole night in that balcony. Talking. Teasing. Laughing. Crying. Remembering old days. Apologizing. Forgiving.

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