Very Far.

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Urooj throws her hands in anger. "You have lost your mind Y/N." Urooj scolds.

"You know they will never forgive you for this and they will hate you." Min Ho said.

"I know oppa. I know." She replied, still sobbing.

"Why would you not tell them the truth then?" he asked.

"Because I want them to hate me." She said bursting into tears again.

They both looked at each other in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Urooj asked.

"I-it would be easier for them to let me go." She said.

They both had no answer or question to this. They both realized what she was feeling and why she did that. Lee min ho hugged Y/N and rubbed her back to console her. Urooj had tears in her eyes. PD-nim comes out of the room.

 Y/N looks at him "Bossie." She again starts crying, not very loudly, coz she was afraid that her hyungs will hear her. She hugs him. PD-nim hugs her back and kept his hand on her head and pat her. 

"Pd-nim. I'm sorry PD-nim. I-I can't- I swear I want to save him." She tried to say lot of things but couldn't. 

"Shhhh Shhh I know. I know everything. Lee Min Ho told me everything." PD-nim said.

She looks up at PD-nim and he nods. Then she stares at Min Ho and he had awkward smile on his face, because he knew that she'll be upset with him.

"Don't look at him like that. You need a tight scolding not him." Pd-nim said.

"But PD-"

"No. Quiet. No ifs and buts." Pd-nim scolds.

She lowers her eyes and nods.

"I thought we were family. Y/N." PD-nim said.

"We are bossie. I have no one other than you guys in this whole world.You guys are my only family." Y/N said with the most convincing expressions on her face.

"Then why did you not tell anyone of us?" PD-nim questions.

She was about to say something but she heard her hyungs coming out so she said "I'll explain you everything later. Let me leave right now."

And she left with Lee Min Ho..





Y/N was sitting in the living room, reading a book. Lee Min Ho comes out, all ready from top to bottom, he went near Y/N, sat down and said "Wifey. I'll be leaving for my shoot."

She pouts "Why? Can I not come with you?"

"I have to baby. I would have taken you along with me but my schedule is all packed and you can't travel so much in this condition." He said cupping her cheeks.

She sighs. "Well, I'm absolutely fine. But I know you will not take me at any cost."

"Should I call doctor and ask him how fine you are?" he narrows his eyes and looks at her.

"Ugh. Fine. But come back soon. I will miss you." She again pouts.

"Yes Love. I will be back in two days. I promise. I love you." He gave her short yet intense kiss.

"Did you meet Ra In? Else she will throw tantrums on me." Y/N said.

"She is sleeping. I'll call her." He said and stood up to leave. He gives a kiss on her forehead and left.

Y/N looks at him leaving and then sighs. She receives a call from Urooj. She had a bright smile on her face.

"Hello love."

"Y/N-ah? How are you?"


"Yahh why do you always reply like this?"

Y/N giggles.

"How is V hyung?"

"He is good. For god's sake, once, just once ask me how am I. Always hyung hyung hyung."

Y/N laughed.

"Anyways. Your Hyungs will be here, at my place, tonight, for dinner."


"Yes. V invited them."


"Will you-? Will you come?"

"I still don't have courage to face them."

"It's been 7 years Y/N. 7 mother fuckin years. And you did nothing wrong. Tell them the truth. They'll understand."

"In these 7 years, 7 motherfucking years, have you ever heard my name from their mouths after that night?"


"Have you?"


"Then how can I go in front of them and tell them everything from which they have moved on."

"No Y/N No. They didn't. They all still love you."

"How do you know that?"

"I have this feeling."

"let's test your feeling."

"Test? How?"

"Go and tell your husband that I have called."

"Are you insane?"

"See. You can't even take my name in front of V hyung. They don't love me anymore. Accept that Urooj."

"You're telling this to me or to yourself."

Y/N sighs "Both."


"Don't you dare to speak a word about me and my health in front of hyungs and their wives and Jimin hyung's gf."

"I really wish to tell them everything but your promise ties my tongue."

" When will JK hyung get a gf?"

They boths laughs.

"Sure. Sure. Change the topic. He will. Soon."

"Hope so."

"Atleast let Ra In meet her uncles."

"She will. She will be raised and spoiled by her 7 uncles. But not now. PD-nim alone is enough to spoil her for now. Moreover, you know Lee Min Ho hates hyungs. He just never say anything to them because of me."

"I know. Anyone would have hated them if he or she would have been in his place. Uh- yes PD-nim is also coming tonight."

"What? Tell him that I hate him for ignoring my invitation saying he is busy and accepting V hyung's invitation."

"haha I will."

"GO and prepare for dinner. You lazy."

" I'm fucked. Lots of work. Byyee."

"Haha. Silly bye."

Y/N hangs up her phone with a big smile on her face which turned into pout and then she starts sobbing covering her face with her palms. After few minutes two small hands pulls her hands away from her face "Why are you crying Mom?" her 5 year adopted beautiful daughter Lee Ra In said "Are you missing your gods again?" she added.

Y/N picks her up and makes her sit on her lap and nods.

"Then why don't you go to them? I have seen them on TV." Ra In said.

"I can't baby. They are very far from me. Very Far." Y/N said.

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