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Next morning.
Jungkook and V knocks Jin's door. "Hyung please open the door." Jk shouts. Jin opens the door. They both looked half asleep. They both enters the room without waiting for Jin to invite them in. V had his pillow in his hands. They both walked towards Jin's bed and throw themselves on it. Y/N stands at the door and wishes Jin "Good Morning hyung.".

 "Morning Y/N-ah." Jin replies.

She enters the room and shouts "Are you hoth standing up or not?"

"Jin hyunnnggg get her married already please." V whines. 

"Please hyung. Send this evil girl somewhere else please." Jk cries, putting his face under the pillow. Jin laughs.

"You both will get late. Haven't you guys seen your schedule? Get up. Get up." She said with little high tone and pulls JK's pillow.
Meanwhile Yoongi enters Jin's room. He is half asleep too. He also throw himself on Jin's bed without realizing Y/N was there.

 He lifts his head and said "Jin Hyung do me a favor please. Please get Y/N married. I can't take her anymore."
Listening to this JK and V also starts laughing.

"Yoongi hyung you too?" she said. Yoongi lifts hid head , looks up at her with his eye widened and said "Fuck. You are here too."

"You all will regret after I'll get married and leave you all. Well, we will talk about this whole 'marriage thing' in afternoon when you guys will call me for some work. " Y/N said with her arms folded and rolls her eyes.

 She looks at Jin and said "You deal with your 'Dear' brothers." she said.

 "Yoongi i can't get her married. If she gets married who will have courage to wake you up." Jin said and laughs. Y/N grins too.

 "Get up guys get up. You will seriously get late now." Jin said with little seriouness in his tone. They all get up and walks out of the room. Jk frowns at her. She shows him tongue teasingly.

"Y/N WHERE ARE YOU?? Y/N??" V shouts.
"She got married Hyung-Nim." she replies with evil smile on her face.
"Yaahhhh~ i will get late Y/N. Please tell me where are my shoes?" V said roaming around whole dorm searching for his shoes.
"Your Black Gucci ones?" She asks. V nods. " Jk hyung took those. It's in his room under his bed. " she replies. "Yahhhhh~ Jeon Jungkoookkkk" V shouts and heads to JK's room. "I AM GONNA KILL YOU Y/N." Jk shouts from his room (after V scolds him for taking V's shoes without V's permission) because he asked Y/N to not to tell V about his shoes. She laughs evil-ly.
They all left for work and she went out for shopping to get some households and a long list of Jimin's needs.
Whole day passed by like this.
Next day in the afternoon. Jk calls Y/N, who is at her shoot.
"Y/N where are you?"
"At shoot hyung"
"Can you come home?"
"Yeah I'm leaving within 5 minutes. Why? what happened?"
"Jin hyung is in very bad mood. Something happened at his shoot. He can slap anyone of us. Only you can talk to him."
"Shit. I also had the worst shoot. You talk to him. You're his favorite. Or ask Namjoon hyung to talk to him."
"No one is at dorm except me and Jimin hyung. You come fast."
"Fine. But i need to pick something from stores. I'll be there soon."
"Reach here before he kills us. Then we'll talk about what happened at your shoot."
"Yeah Yeah."
She hangs up and after around 45 minutes she reaches dorm. As she enters the dorm she saw two men with bandages on their hands and bruises at several places, sitting in the hall. Jk and Jimin were sitting on the sofa adjacent to those two men. Jin was sitting on the sofa in front of them. Jin had a very serious look on his face.
" How the fuck you dare to enter my dorm?" she yells.
"Y/N watch your words." Jin yells at her, standing up from his seat.
"But Hyu-" her words were cut by Jin's.
"I don't want to hear a word from you." Jin said with a very stern tone.
"Hyu-" She tries to explain but he again cuts her words.
"Don't you understand what I am saying? Not even a single word. Do you understand?" Jin yells.
She nods with her eyes down. She didn't want to disrespect him at any cost so she didn't dared to utter another word.
"Answer me with yes or no. Did you hit them?"
He asks pointing towards those two men.
"But hyu-"
"YES OR NO Y/N?" he shouts making Jk Jimin and Y/N flinch.
She looks down and nods. JK's eyes widens.
"Did they touch you before you did that?" Jin asked.
She thinks for 5 seconds and shakes her head in denial.
"Do you realize what you did? Do you know how much older they are than you? Don't you know that you should respect your directors and his or hers crew? They are working hard for you. Do you understand this? Is this why you practice boxing with Jk? Do you have a little shame in yourself?" Jin was yelling but not very loudly.
She nods her head without raising her eyes up.
"Come and apologize to them." Jin said.
She looks up at him and tried to explain again
"Hyung-Nim just listen to m-"
"I have listened enough from them. You're a shame for me. I don't want to listen anything from you. Just apologize Y/N." he said.
Y/N's heart broke into pieces after listening to what Jin said.
She moves ahead get down on her knees but not in front of directors ... in front of Jin and said "I'm very sorry for not listening to you Hyung-Nim. I am sorry for not being obedient and going against your words. But hyung nim i can't apologize to these two men. You can give me any punishment I am willing to take any punishment." she said with her eyes and head still down.
"Y/N" Jimin whispered as if he was shouting.
"Fine then. If this is what you want." Jin said.
He walk forward towards directors and he get down on his knees. Jimin and Jk stands up from their places. Y/N turns her head to look at him, as he kneeled down just next to her but facing in completely opposite direction.
"Hyung Please don't do this to me." she said begging.
He didn't listen to her. "Director nim I apologize for her behavior. I didn't raise her well. It is all my mistake that she did this. I hope you will let  this slide. I will try to make sure that she don't repeat her mistakes because as you saw right now she isn't willing to listen to me , so i can only try." he bows down while kneeling.
Jk and Jimin both lower their heads down.
Y/N was completely broken seeing Jin on his knees. She froze. She couldn't move at all. She was just looking down.
"No no Seokjin please. You're embarrassing us. don't do this. She is a child." Director said.
Jin dropped them at the door. Y/N was still on her knees not moving at all.

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