Y/N's special

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After few days. They all had to attend a reality QnA show.  It was near Y/N's birthday. Therefore, the director of the show called in Bighit office to take permission for his ideas. He called and asked the receiver to transfer the call to PD-nim. 

They both talked for sometime about their health and work then the director came straight to the point and said "Since its Y/N's birthday on the corner so i was thinking if we can make it Y/N's special. I mean we would plan a small surprise for her and questions will be asked like what are her likes and dislike. Moreover, audience would love to see how male members of the group adores her. We both know how people go mad when such clean chemistry is telecasted and they eagerly wants to know about how they all get along."

"Seems like a very nice idea. I am sure boys will like this idea but still i need to ask them about that, so as to not create any misunderstanding. I hope you understand. We'll surely answer you back at the end of the day without delaying your schedules and preparation for the show."PD-nim said. And they hung up after greeting each other.
PD-nim asked other boys about it and they all were very excited for this. PD-nim told them to not to tell Y/N about this so it remains a complete surprise for her. They all agreed. PD-nim asks his assistant to confirm the idea to directors and proceed with the corresponding.

On the show's set.
Y/N had no idea about what was about to happen. She asked the employees there for the script but they said there is no script everything will be raw. They all went up on the stage and the host introduced them. Then he said "Since it's miss Y/N's Birthday around the corner so today it is Y/N's special."
"What?" she said and laughs in shock.
Host: Yes Ms. Y/N. Are you ready?
Y/N: Umm...Yess. Do i have any other option? (She chuckled)
Host: Ofcourse you don't have. Boys are you ready for the QnA show?
All boy members: Yeah.
Host: Very well. Okay so without any ado. Our first segment is 'Who knows her better?' Ms. Y/N whom do you think knows you better?
Y/N: Umm.. I share a lot of things with Jk hyung but i think he doesn't pay attention to details. So i ain't sure who is gonna win this. (She said with scrounging her nose and a smile.)
Host: So I'll ask questions and you all have to write the correct answer on the boards given to you. Ms. Y/N you too so that we can match answers.
*They all nodded.*
Host: Here's your first question.
          Who is Y/N favorite hyung?
Y/N: My god this isn't fair.
Jk: Very easy.
*They all write answers teasing each other and laughing.*
Host: okay so turn your boards on the count of 3. 1..2..3 show.
Jin: Kim Seokjin
Yoongi: Min Yoongi
Hoseok: Hobi Hyung.
Namjoon: Kim Namjoon
Jimin: Park Jimin
Taehyung: V hyung.
Jk: Jungkook Hyung nim
Host: Hahaha. Okay this was interesting.
*They all laughed at each other's answers.*
Y/N: I love each one of them equally. You can't choose a color from rainbow.
*They all aww-ed at her and she blushed.*
Host: That's great. Moving on to the next question. What is the baddest habbit of Y/N?
Y/N: There are soooo many. Don't reveal too much okay hyungs? (Everybody laughs at her.)
Host: Okay so turn your boards.
Jin: She underestimates herself.
Yoongi: She doesn't express herself.
Hobi: Bites her nails.
Namjoon: Doesn't share what's bothering her.
Jimin: Eats my food because i eat spicy food.
V: Takes my clothes.
Jk: she curses me in her own language.
Y/N laughed so hard at these answers.
Y/N: OMG. Lol.
Host: Will you guys please elaborate yours answers and you can defend yourself ms Y/N.
Jin: She is always underestimates herself. Even if she is looking the best she'll be like.. 'Naahh hyung i ain't looking good i won't be able to stand with you guys looking like this.' . She doesn't even listen to her own songs. She will skip her part from the song whenever she listens our songs.
Y/N: He is actually right but this isn't my fault that i feel complex standing next to them. I mean look at them everyone is so fine from top to bottom. And i really hate listening to my own voice i don't know why but i just feel very awkward.
Namjoon: She has a habit of keeping things to herself and she will fight or strughle with things alone. She won't express herself as Yoongi hyung said. It's been 7 years that we are together but none of us has ever seen her crying.
Y/N: No defence. It's completely true. I will change this hyung.
..it continues with lots of laughs and fun questions.
Host: Last question is for Y/N. Is there anything you would like to confess to your hyungs?
She gets nervous.
Y/N: Actually there is something i want to confess. It is like a burden to me. But i can't say it on the TV.
Host: So you confess two things one would be shown only to your hyungs and other one will be for your fans. Okay?
Y/N: Alright.
Y/N writes something in a cue card and folds it. She keep it with herself.
Y/N: Okay so my confession is for V hyung.
V: What did you do girl?
Y/N: You remember your favorite hoddie which tannie spoiled?
V: Yes. (He raises his eyebrow which makes Everbody laugh.)
Y/N: I by mistake spilled coffee on it. So it was me not tannie. And i took your gucci perfume also.
(She says and hides her face with the cue card)
V: You made me scold my Tannie. We're done Y/N. I am not going to talk to you.
(He said making pout and fake cries.)
Y/N: I'm sorry Hyung nim. I will buy a toy for tannie i promise. I will design a beautiful hoddie for you. (She says sending finger hearts to him.)
Host: Okay superbly made for her doings. Now you can pass the cue card.
She passed it and turned herself completely towards the host so that she doesn't make eye contact with them. But she can clearly see them in the glass in front of her.
They all went blank and Yoongi almost frowned.
Hobi: Seriously!?
To cover this JK controlled his expression and says. "Y/N girl you're so dead now. You betrayed me."
Everyone laughed for a moment but Y/N was all sweaty and her face was pale.

(Do comment so that i can improve my work.Thankyou❤....to be continued.)

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