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He looks at her with the softest gaze. He leans a little and kissed her. He kissed very passionately and she kissed him back. Kiss got deeper and deeper. He started to kiss her neck. She unknowingly moves her neck giving him more room to her neck. He was kissing her neck until he found her sweet spot and she moans. He smirks against her neck. He kissed her sweet spot roughly.
"Ahhh~" She moans.
His hands were moving on her back. He removes her top in a second and started kissing her neck again. He started to go down to her cleavage leaving marks all over her neck. He stopped and pushes Y/N on her bed. He crawls up on her kissing her stomach then her cleavage making her moan. He started kissing her again very passionately. He breaks the kiss to let her breathe and says "I love you baby."
"I love you more." She replies and removes his t-shirt. Within next 5 seconds Y/N was completely naked under him. He goes down to kiss her princess parts. He was doing it so hard making Y/N a moaning mess. He stopped when she was about to cum. He inserts his middle finger inside her.
"Ahhhh~" she moaned.
He moved his finger a little and then inserts the other finger and moved it a little faster than before. "Uggghhh~ opppaa" she moans.
With his other hand he takes his cock out. It was hard and swollen. He takes his fingers out and slams his cock inside her.
"Fuckkkkk ahhhhhh~" She moans out aloud.
He didn't move to let her adjust to his cock. He kissed her to distract her from the pain.
He started to move his cock in and out of her hole slowly at first. She kept moaning. Everytime he moved it was making her mind numb with the pleasure she was feeling. She bit her lower lip to control her moans but couldn't. Her nails were digging in his back leaving marks all over his back.
He started to move faster and faster. Tears rolls down her cheeks. She clenched her fists on the bedsheet.
"I-I am about to c-c-cum Min ho. " She said while panting.
"Not yet princess. " He said. "A little more. "
She controlled herself. She was dying to cum out. She was moaning so loudly that neighbors would have heard her.
After few more slams "Now princess. " He growled. They both came together. He came inside her, leaving her vagina dripping his liquid.
He lies down next to her. They both were breathing very heavily. She rolls over and cuddles him. "I love you Y/N. I'll make world turn around for you. " He said hugging her tight.
"I love you too." She said and gives him a peck and puts her head on his chest.
They both slept.
Next morning,  she wakes up and sees Lee min ho sitting on the bed gazing at her. She smiles at him.
"Good Morning princess." He said in his deep voice.
"Good Morning love. " She replied. He kissed her forehead. She hugs him.
She gets up and goes to the washroom to take bath. She gets ready and asked him to get ready too else he'll be late for work.
He gets dressed up. She made breakfast for both of them. They had their breakfast and he lefts for his home.
Y/N cleans everything up. She didn't want her hyungs to know about all of this yet. Though she feels very guilty for hiding this from them but she is still unsure about their reactions.
Other members returns home. They all hugs Y/N and asked how she was. Suddenly Jk points out at her neck. "What's that mark Y/N on your neck? " He removes her hair and looks at it carefully. She gets scared and nervous. She hids the mark with her fingers. "What mark hyung? Oh this? This-this is because of straightening rod. I got burnt because of that." She replied nervously. She was sweating. He looks at her suspiciously.
"Be careful with suck things baby." Hobi said.
"Yes Hyung nim." She said standing up "You guys rest. I'll make coffee for all of you and chocolate milk for you V hyung. I'll take it to your room. " She added and left for the kitchen.
They all went to their rooms.
The day passed and none of them suspected anything. Well JK sure did suspected at first but then he shrugged it off.

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