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Days passed, they all got to know each other. They all were working very hard. It was hard for Y/N to communicate with others except for Namjoon because he was the only one who knew english very well. Well, others also knew english but they could only exchange basic conversations, not very long conversations. Y/N got very close to JK. They both used to spend most of the time together because they were the young ones so they used to spend most of their time at home other than practice. Moreover, they didn't have much of the age gap so she was most comfortable with him. Whenever they used to go to some public places JK always held her hand and she followed him. He was already very protective towards her. She had immense respect and love for other group members.

After a month, they had their debut, which was neither flop not very hit but they did got love from their fans.  They got their first pay cheques which was around 7 million won for each member. Y/N sent 2 million wons to her mother which was more than enough for her mother.

 They all were resting after their dance practice. "I want to ask something." Y/N said nervously. "Yes Y/N ?" said V. " Hmm ,Y/N say?" Namjoon said as he finished drinking water. "I don't mean to disrespect your culture or norms , but -" she stopped before completing her sentence as she was scared that this might hurt other members. "Hmm hmm continue Y/N" said Namjoon. She looked down and continued in low voice," but can i call you hyung because everyone in the group call elder ones hyung so I'm more habitual of it and i like that too." with pouty face she looked down.  Namjoon laughed and said " I don't know about others but you can call me hyung i have no issues." . " Same here" said Hobi with a big smile on his face. " Okay Y/N you can." said Jin . Yoongi nodded with a smile. " Me too , Me too" said V. Jimin and JK also agreed. Smile on Y/N's face can tell how much happy she was.




"We'll be back by tomorrow evening Y/N. Don't go anywhere without calling me. If by any chance i don't pick up your call then call Yoongi hyung or anyone out of us. I have called Urooj , she will sleep with you. Eat properly." explained Jin. " Ye Hyung-nim" said Y/N. (* Ye- yes in korean). "Good." Jin said and smiled at her. Namjoon came in from the main door and said "We all need to leave now." he came and picked up his bagpack hugged Y/N and said " Take care kiddie." and kissed her forehead and smiled at her then left. Everyone hugged Y/N except for Yoongi and Jin and left. JK hugged and whispered in her ear "I'll miss you Y/N.". "Just a day JK hyung." Y/N whispered back while hugging.  Yoongi and Jin patted her head and they all left. She sighed. She was kinda upset because after two months this was the first time she was left alone. She started doing her chores so that she gets busy and miss her hyungs a little less. Door bell Rang. "Who's there?" asked Y/N. "Love , its me, Urooj." Urooj was the only friend of Y/N in Korea who was from Y/N's motherland. Urooj was 4 years older than Y/N yet she was bonded with her quiet well. Y/N opened the door and hugged Urooj.

(Do comments please so that i can improve my work. Thank you.)

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