Phone Call

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Next Morning.
It was last Sunday of the month so they all had their leave. BTS was on the breakfast table altogether. They were talking, giggling, teasing and obviously eating.
"Y/N." Namjoon said and continued after finishing his bite. "I got a notification from your university you have your exams by the end of the next month. You have 25-30 days to study."
"by the end of this upcoming month?" Y/N asked in shock.
Namjoon nods keeping another bite in his mouth.
"But we have so much scheduled for next month. Why did they gave such short notice?" Y/N said with tension clearly visible on her forehead.
They all looked tensed because it was true that they had so much of work scheduled for the next month which can hardly be delayed.
"Namjoon can she give her exams later? Or can we delay our shoots?" Jin asked.
"Hyung its her finals she has to give it according to the university. University finals are no joke. She has to give these on time. And we can re-schedule our 2 or 3 shoots which will hardly make any difference to her. We're helpless this time. " Namjoom explained.
She looked at everyone getting tensed because of her so she said "I'll do it don't worry hyungs. I'll work harder. I have completed most of my course i just need to revise them."
"You sure?" hobi asked.
She nods keeping a bite in her mouth. Her phone vibrates loudly, which was kept on the table with the screen upside.

 Her phone vibrates loudly, which was kept on the table with the screen upside

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She choked on her bite. She flips her phone upside down at the speed of light. She coughs. Yoongi gave her a glass of water and rubs her back.
"Eat slowly Y/N." Hobi warned.
She nods while drinking water. She looks at Jk who was sitting next to her. He was giving her some very strange look. He was looking at her with so many questions in his eyes. She quickly breaks the eye contact.
After breakfast they all went to their rooms.
Y/N locks her door and calls back on that number.
"Hi princess."(He teased.)
"Why would you change your name on my phone?" (She pouts)
"Why? Isn't it the truth?"
"I don't understand this gibberish babygirl." (He chuckled.)
"Ugh. Yes its true. But What if hyungs would have seen it? I guess JK hyung did. He'll kill me. No he loves me he will not kill me. Ughhh i don't know."
"Don't you think you should tell them now?"
"Yeah i think so. This lie is burdening me to death."
"Then tell them."
"I will. I need time. I will tell them after my exams."
"Exams? When are your exams?"
"After a month. We can't meet for a month and few days."
"I won't be able to see you for a month???"
"I'm sorry. But yes."
"This isn't fair.Y/N."
"Not fair for me too."
"No issues. I will wait. But be ready to pay for making daddy wait."
"Huh? What?"
(He smirks.) "Bye Y/N. I love you."
"I love you too-"
He hangs up.
*Did he just hung up on me? When will i understand this man?* she shakes her head.
There was a noise of someone who was trying to open Y/N's room's door.
"Wait I'm coming." Y/N said.
"OPEN THE DOOR Y/N" someone with fimiliar voice shouted against the door.
She gets up and opens the door. It was Jungkook. He had a very strange expression on his face. He sides Y/N and enters in her room. He throws himself on the bed and put his head under the pillow. She had confused expression on her face. She moves ahead and sits next to his head.
"What happened hyung?" she asked very softly.
He removes pillow from his head and looks up at her. He hold her hand and put his head on her lap. She gets shocked at his actions. She knew that he was emotional and very sentimental person but he never showed this soft side to anyone. Though they both have similar 'Keeping everything to themselves and fight alone' nature but they both used to sit with each other and sometimes talk about their problems. But this was strange. This was not like usual.
She strokes his hair. "Are you okay hyung?"
"Yes. I was just missing you."
"Already hyung?"
He nods.
"Awww." she teased.
"Don't spoil my mood Y/N."
"haha okay hyung."
"Btw i saw that name on your phone."
She freezed.
"It's okay. Tell me when you feel comfortable about it."
She felt very heavy because of the secrets she has to keep.
"Thankyou hyung. I won't disappoint you."
He nods in her lap.
"I trust you Y/N."
They both kept quiet for few minutes and then they both slept.

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